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issue without reaching unacceptable levels of overcrowding. She asked the Commissioners for a <br />commitment to proceed with the purchase of a site and funding for pre-construction planning for a third high <br />school in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School system. <br />Etta Pisano, parent of children in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, said that the two elementary schools <br />in the bond are extremely important. She reiterated that the bond does not cover all the needs of the <br />CHCCS. She said that the third high school was needed a lot sooner than 2007. She said that the task force <br />recommended that money be spent for planning and purchasing land for this high school and she does not <br />understand why the recommendation disappeared from the band proposal. She is very upset about this. <br />She wants to know if there is an agenda far a merger. She said that the baccalaureate program did not have <br />enough support at Chapel Hill High Schaal when it was discussed previously. She said that there was no way <br />that students at Chapel Hill High School would go to Orange County. She said that there would be no <br />support for moving kids from one school district to the other. <br />Jill Edens lives in Chapel Hill and said that four years ago, when East Chapel Hill High School opened its <br />doors, the improvement in the quality of experience there was palpable. She said that young people fall <br />through the cracks because the institutions that guide and support their development become too large. She <br />has worked with the At-Risk Youth Task Farce. She said that we do not save money when we fail to build <br />adequate classroom space. She said that she was convinced that there was only one thing mare expensive <br />for the citizens of this County than building a new high school -not building a new high school. <br />Jae Herzenberg, Chair of the Chapel Hill Greenways Commission, spoke in support of greenways. He <br />spoke about how popular the greenways are with the residents in Chapel Hill. He supports the letter sent to <br />the County Commissioners from seven Carrboro and Chapel Hill officials dated August 21~. <br />Robin Robinson spoke on behalf of competitive and recreational swimmers and urged the Commissioners <br />to include the $3.5 million as recommended by the task force for the Homestead Park Aquatic Center. She <br />shared some statistics. The Chapel Hill YMCA has 185 swimmers and the North Carolina Aquatic Center <br />has 150 swimmers. These two clubs have swimmers in the water from three to seven times per week from <br />nine to twelve months of the year. The two high schools in Chapel Hill each have approximately 50 <br />swimmers. She said that swimming is big in Chapel Hill, yet current indoor pool space is inadequate. <br />Bettv Davidson, president of the C. W. Stanford PTSA, and a parent of two children in northern Orange <br />County, spoke in support of the request in the bond issue far a new middle school in Orange County. <br />Currently, there is a 68-seat deficit in the middle schools in Orange County. Four out of five of the student <br />projections indicate that the middle schools will be well over-capacity in 2004. <br />Pearson Stewart, representative of the Chapel Hill area chapter of AARP, spoke in support of the senior <br />center portion of the band issue. He said that every day a considerable number of Chapel Hill residents <br />became senior citizens and their interests and needs are various. <br />Pam Hemminger has four children in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and in sports. She spoke in <br />support of the Southern Community Park. She is Chair of the Southern Community Park Planning <br />Committee. She said that there was overcrowding in the fields, specifically in soccer. She spoke about the <br />different possible uses of the proposed Southern Community Park such as fields, roller hockey, disk golf, <br />outdoor amphitheater, etc. She asked the Commissioners to please leave the allocation for this park at $2 <br />million instead of decreasing it to $1 million. <br />Robert Dowling, an advocate for affordable housing, thanked the County Commissioners for their past <br />support of affordable housing in Orange County. He thanked the County Commissioners for the proposal of <br />$4 million in the bond referendum. He offered to lower it to $3.9 million if it would help. <br />Poonam Pande spoke in support of the Homestead Park Aquatic Center. She was speaking on behalf of <br />over 300 citizens from Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough who signed a petition that was submitted to <br />