Orange County NC Website
The 91 % area is being implemented by respective county staffs. <br />9% AREA (The Alamance County E3oard of Commissioners reviewed the 9% <br />resolution at its October 17, 2011 meeting.) <br />This agenda item relates to the 9% area which is comprised of five segment area adjustments <br />(shown in red) to the preliminary North Carolina General Assembly (NCGS) line (shown in <br />green). The 9% local bill did not set elaborate evaluation criteria but language that promotes <br />"the most appropriate location". The attached maps (Attachment 3) include the <br />rationale/justification for the determination. <br />These 9% segments were the same as suggested last year. These adjustments continue to <br />offer clarity to property owners and the counties in the provision of public services and safety. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Review of this report does not entail a financial impact beyond the staff <br />time of the Manager, Attorney, and Planning Department with additional review from Emergency <br />Services, Tax Administration, and Information Technologies/Geographic Information Systems <br />Division. Survey costs are primarily borne bey the petitioners and property owners except that <br />Orange County is recommending paying for a few existing subdivision boundaries (Maps 1 and <br />5) to make emergency services provision clearer. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager and p-ttorney recommend the Board adopt the attached <br />resolution (Attachment 2) which includes submittal of a 2012 Local Bill to resolve the 9% area. <br />