Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Chair Halkiotis to include the two <br />elementary schools in Chapel Hill-Carrboro and the one middle school in Orange County on the bond, at <br />the levels that are included in the document "Needs Presented to Capital Needs Advisory Task Force." <br />Commissioner Brown suggested approving the projects and not the amounts. <br />Commissioner Carey made a friendly amendment to the motion to include the projects and <br />not the amounts. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that because this does not include any money for land and <br />planning for a third high school for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, she cannot support this motion. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she thought the Manager was very clear that the County <br />Commissioners have a certain leeway every year to ga ahead with planning and purchasing property. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out that the County may already own a site that would be <br />suitable for the new high school. He said that putting money on the bond for purchasing a site for the <br />high school seems premature. He said that it is very clear that the projections do indicate that there is a <br />need for another high school. He feels comfortable that the County Commissioners can send a strong <br />message that history and our policy indicate that the County Commissioners will meet the needs when <br />they arise. <br />Commissioner Gordan said that she strongly objects to this motion because there is a <br />demonstrated need for a third high school in Chapel Hill-Carrboro and there is na plan to build one, <br />either with bond funds or other funds. It is not fair to build hundreds of extra spaces in one school <br />system and not meet the needs of the other system. <br />Commissioner Jacobs pointed out that the projections look very similar for elementary school <br />#10 as they do for the Orange County middle school. He thinks we are addressing in a proactive way <br />the needs of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School system. Commissioner Gordon disagreed. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he feels that the two elementary schools should stay in. This <br />would give Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools same breathing roam at the elementary school level. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4; No, 1 {Commissioner Gordon) <br />f. Appointments <br />The Board considered appointments to the Affordable Housing Advisory Board, Bond <br />Education Committee and Historic Preservation Committee. <br />Affordable Housing Advisory Board <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to appoint <br />David Bellin for a term ending 6!31/2004, Thomas Heffner for a term ending 6/30/2003 and Nancy Milio <br />far a term ending 613012002. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to appoint <br />Jack Chestnut for a term ending 6130!2004, Brian Crawford for a term ending 6/30!2002, Tammy Jacobs <br />far a term ending 613012003, Stephen Jenks for a term ending 6/30/2004, Chris Moran for a term ending <br />6/30/2002 and Allan Rosen for a term ending 6!30!2003. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Bond Education Committee <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to appoint <br />all of the recommendations for the various subcommittees as presented. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Historic Preservation Commission <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown to appoint <br />Betsy Underwood for a term ending 3/31/2404. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS -NONE <br />11. APPOINTMENTS -NONE <br />