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not be the case. It may be that the road maintenance declaration will require the homeowners to <br />contribute directly to the upkeep of the road. The County does not take a position on how that is done. <br />He would recommend that the Homeowners Association maintain the road. John Link agreed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if everything could be put under one umbrella instead of having <br />one set of responsibilities under one organization and another set of responsibilities under another. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Brown to approve <br />the preliminary plan for Gold Mine Property in accordance with the Resolution of Approval, which is <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. Proposal to Amend Joint Planning Area Zoning Atlas for Homestead Site on <br />Homestead Raad (JPA-CH-Z-01) <br />The Board considered a request to amend the joint planning area {JPA) zoning atlas for the <br />Homestead site on Homestead Road. <br />Comprehensive Planning Supervisor Gene Bell said the property in question is a 48.11-acre <br />site located on the north side of Homestead Road and just east of the University branch of the railroad. <br />The approval of both Chapel Hill and Orange County is required. The current zoning of the property is <br />Chapel Hill R2, which permits up to four units per acre. The requested zoning is Chapel Hill R4 <br />conditional, which in this case limits density to 4.1 units per acre and also requires 15°~ affordable <br />housing. This item was presented at the April 11`" JPA Public Hearing and then presented and <br />considered at the June 25`" meeting of the Chapel Hill Town Council and approved. The Orange County <br />Planning Board considered it on July 11`" and recommended approval. The administration also <br />recommends approval. He added that Mr. Jack Smyre with the consulting firm of Kimley Horn and <br />Associates was representing the applicant and was present. <br />Commissioner Brawn asked Jack Smyre how this proposal was going to connect any of the <br />greenway systems to the Greene Tract. Jack Smyre said that this proposal is not contiguous to the <br />Greene Tract. It is directly southeast of the Greene Tract, but does not have a common border with the <br />Greene Tract. However, the proposal does promote the master plan greenway system far Chapel Hill in <br />that 14 acres of the 48-acre tract was gifted to the Town, and the 14 acres contains the ground that will <br />be used for rail. There will be 191 units. All of the units are in the form of town homes. The target buyer <br />is someone making 70% of the median income. All of the prices will be below the medium price for <br />housing in Chapel Hill. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve <br />JPA-CH-Z-01 consistent with the July 11`" Planning Board recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. ~utstandina Budget and Capital Plannina(Fundina Issues Discussion <br />The Board continued a discussion regarding outstanding budget, capital planning, and <br />funding issues for the County and both school systems. <br />John Link said that the staff was recommending that the Board continue its discussion from <br />August 14`". This is an opportunity to further refine the Board's intentions for three of the bands -parks <br />and recreation, schools, and acquiring public land. The staff also suggests that the Board come to a <br />conclusion in terms of how to approach the present methodology used for student projections. He thinks <br />it is prudent to not make a final permanent decision on this until the history of the next year or two <br />demonstrates which methodology proves to be the best or most accurate. <br />John Link reviewed the handout "Needs Presented to Capital Needs Advisory Task Force." <br />Commissioner Carey asked John Link about the methodology in determining student <br />projections. John Link said that it is important to arrive at some present and immediate term agreement <br />on how to look at student projections. He thinks that time will tell which methodology is on target. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he feels it very important far the County Commissioners to <br />choose one method for determining student projections. The clear message we need to send to each <br />Schaal system is that this is far the purpose of planning for growth. <br />