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Planning Director Craig Benedict said that this went to public hearing an May 29t" of this year. <br />The process for a bed and breakfast involves a public hearing, return to the Planning Board, and then <br />deliberation and consideration of adoption by the Board of County Commissioners. There were some <br />issues identified by the Planning Board: 1}Should the applicant dedicate (in fee simple} bath the <br />property lying within the right-of-way of North Carolina 57 and the small portion on the eastern side of the <br />right-of-way to the Department of Transportation or Orange County prior to commencing operation. <br />Administration is recommending that no dedication has to occur in this instance. 2) A possible <br />requirement for a land use buffer along the highway. The Planning Director has the ability to waive that <br />requirement in total if he sa chooses. In this case, he is waiving the full requirement and encouraging <br />the owners of the bed and breakfast to replant some oak trees when the other oak trees get 150-200 <br />years old. 3) Possible lighting of the sign by solar power. There was a difference of opinion an this. The <br />Planning Board does not agree that solar powered lighting is appropriate. Administration recommends <br />that the sign be lighted by solar power. Administration is recommending approval of this Class A Special <br />Use Permit. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the requirement of the Fire Marshall to examine the <br />premises. Craig Benedict said that the requirement was a state building code issue. Planning staff <br />cannot make any waiver of those requirements. Commissioner Jacobs was just wandering if the visit by <br />the Fire Marshall has been coordinated. The staff will make sure that the communication is ongoing and <br />not at the last minute. <br />Chair Halkiotis mentioned the importance of bringing together all of the code enforcement <br />officials so that all activity is done at one time. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he is pleased that the County is proactively promoting solar powered <br />lighting. <br />Betty Davidson, owner of the Olive Branch Inn, read a prepared statement. In summary, she <br />thanked the Board of County Commissioners and the Planning Board for their support during the public <br />hearing on May 29t"~ She highlighted the recommendations of the Planning Board including eliminating <br />the solar lighting requirement, eliminating the fee simple right-af-way dedication condition, and a <br />complete waiver of the landscape requirement. She painted out that the solar lighting would be very <br />expensive for her. She has hired an artist to design a sign that is most appropriate for the Olive Branch <br />Inn. She said that perhaps solar lighting was best used by larger businesses with larger resources. She <br />is also concerned about the unsightliness of the solar units. She also said that Fire Marshall Mike Tapp <br />was scheduled to visit her property on Thursday, August 23rd. He has not yet visited her property. She <br />is going above and beyond what the County fire code requires. She is also having trouble getting in <br />touch with Derrick Dixon, NCDOT Driveway Permitting Agent regarding the commercial driveway permit <br />requirement. <br />Chair Halkiotis made reference to the solar lighting and offered to work with Ms. Davidson on <br />alternatives. He said that he never intended that she spend a lot of money for solar lighting or have an <br />unsightly solar unit or panel on top of the sign. He asked her to work with him and Craig Benedict to look <br />at same other options. <br />Commissioner Brown said that it would be nice if the County would purchase solar lighting far <br />its buildings before requiring citizens to do it. <br />Betty Davidson said that she would like to open in October and have a lit sign in the evening <br />by Christmas. <br />Commissioner Jacobs appreciates what Chair Halkiotis and Commissioner Brown have said <br />about solar lighting for signs. The Commission for the Environment has been discussing light pollution <br />and it would seem that the Planning Board has some interest in this also. He said that maybe those <br />boards might want to coordinate their thinking and try to look at haw to approach requirements for <br />development and special use permits in order to let people know in advance what is required. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve <br />the Class A Special Use Permit in accordance with the Administration Resolution, which is incorporated <br />herein by reference and to have item #1 set aside for further evaluation (solar powered lighting). <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />b. Rural Guest Establishments Zoning Ordinance Amendments <br />The Board considered proposed rural guest establishment amendments to the County's <br />