Orange County NC Website
3 <br />of Mebane that are either partially zoned or un-zoned as a result of the Orange- <br />Alamance County Line Adjustment project. <br />In some cases there are properties that were never in Orange County and do not , <br />have land use or zoning in others there are properties that were split by the county '. <br />line and only partially had land use or zoning designations. The total number of <br />properties affected by change slightly as staff is waiting for the final- version of the <br />rectified parcels. <br />In accordance with the .provisions of Section 2.8: Zoning Atlas and Unified <br />Development Ordinance Amendments and Section 2.3: Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendments of the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), the <br />Planning Director has initiated an amendment to the Land Use Element Map, located <br />within Chapter 5: Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and the Orange <br />County Zoning Atlas. <br />2. Analysis <br />_.. <br />As required under Section 2.3..9 of the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance, the <br />Planning Director is required to: `cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based <br />upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and <br />the Board of County Commissioners'. In analyzing this proposal, the following information. is <br />offered: <br />As a result of the change to the Orange-Alamance County Line Change there <br />are thirty (30) properties in Orange County that straddled the Orange- <br />Alamance County line, the portion of those properties that were previously in <br />Alamance County do not have land use designations or zoning. Additionally <br />there are twenty-five (25) properties- previously located in Alamance County <br />and now in Orange County. All fifty-five parcels wild ,need to be assigned a <br />land use designation and zoned. <br />Field inspections will be conducted to determine current land use in <br />formulation for a formal recommendation for land use designation and zoning <br />for each property. <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />__ __ <br />__ --_ _. <br />This project is a house keeping item necessitated by the change in the Orange- <br />Alamance County line location, incorporating properties formally located in Alamance <br />County or portions of properties located in Orange and Alamance. <br />In analyzing this proposal, the following Comprehensive Plan goals are offered <br />justifying the request: <br />Land Use Overarching Goal: Coordination of the amount, location, pattern and <br />designation of future land uses, with availability of County services and <br />__ _ - <br />-_ _ __ _ -_ <br />2 <br />