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8 <br />ATTACffiV>t~NT C - 2 <br />(cj A retailer must separately state the room-occupancy tax.. Room occupancy taxes paid <br />to a retailerere-held in trust for and on account of the town. <br />(d) The town shall design and fumisl~ ~ all appropriate businesses and_persons in the <br />town the aecessaiy forms. for Sling returns and instructions to ensure the full- collection of the <br />tax_ An operator of a business who collects a room occupancy tax may deduct tram the-amount <br />remitted to the town a discount equal to the-discount the State allows the retailer for State sales <br />and use tax. <br />{e) As provided in G.S: 3.-60A-215{d), the tax levied by tlvs- Chapter sha11 be due and <br />payable to the town finance officer in monthly installments- on- or before the 20~' day of the <br />month following the month in whl-ch the tax accrues. Every person, Srm, corporation, or <br />association-liable for-the tax shall, on or-before the 20~'-day of-each month, prepare and render a <br />return on a form-pr~scn-bed by the town.. The return sbatl.state the total_gross receipts derived in <br />.the preceding~onth from rentals upon: which the-ta~c is levied: A room occupancy tax return <br />Sled wi#h the-town is not a public record-and-may not be disclosed except in accordance with- <br />G.S. 160A-208.1. <br />Section BA-3. Penalties. <br />As provided in G.S. 160A-21 ~{e), a person, firm, corporation, or association who fails or <br />refuses to file a room occupancy-tax return or pat a room occupancy tax as required by_ this <br />Chapter shall be subject to the civil and criminal penalties set by G.S. 105-236 for faihire to pay <br />or~le-a return for State sates and use taxes. The Board of Aldermen has the same authority to <br />waive the penalties for a room occupancy tax that the Secretary of ,Revenue has to waive the <br />penalties for.State sales and use taxes. <br />Section 8A-4. Distributiotrand Use of Tax Revenue: <br />The_town shall, on a quarterly~.basis, remit the net proceeds of the occupancy tax to the <br />Carrboro Tourism Deve1-opment Authority (CTDA). The CTDA shall use at least two-thirds of <br />the funds remitted to it under this section to promote travel and tourism in Carrboro and shall use <br />the remainder for tourism related expenditures. The following definitions apply in this section: <br />(1) Net Proceeds. Gross proceeds less the cost to the town of administering <br />and collecting the #ax, as determined by the finance officer, not to exceed <br />three percent (3%) of the fast five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) of <br />gross proceeds collected each year and one percent (1%} of the remaining <br />gross receipts collected-each year. . <br />(2) Promote travel and tourism To advertise or market an area or activity, <br />publish and distribute pamphlets and other materials, conduct market <br />research, or engage in similar promotional activities that attract tourists or <br />business travelers to the area. The term includes administrative expenses <br />incurred in engaging in these activities. <br />