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Department on Aging Director Jerry Passmore presented this item. He recognized the <br />Friends of the Senior Center for Central Orange, which has been raising support funds and looking for <br />additional rental space. <br />Pete Langdon spoke on behalf of the Friends organization. He thanked the County <br />Commissioners for addressing the needs of the seniors in Orange County. He asked that, at another <br />time, the County Commissioners consider senior housing. He invited the County Commissioners to <br />attend Western Night at the senior center. <br />Director of Purchasing and Central Services Pam Jones gave the financial information on the <br />five-year lease. She said that 3,000 square feet of the space would be for active senior center activities <br />and 1,000 square feet would be for the adult day care. There was a negotiation with Hartan Enterprises <br />for $11.85 per square foot by taking afive-year term. In addition, Carol Woods has offered $12,500 per <br />year as an offset for the rent cost, making the cost for the County $7.83 per square foot for the rent. The <br />Friends will likely be paying for the utilities. The County will be assuming normal maintenance costs. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she is appreciative of what the Friends organization is going <br />to pay and far the $12,500 that Carol Woods is going to contributing each year toward the lease. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he admires and appreciates Carol Woods for their generosity <br />and community spirit. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about OPT and if there would be routes serving this facility. <br />Jerry Passmore said that OPT would be serving this facility. He said that it would also be an the TTA <br />route. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked about the rates at the SportsPlex and a differential rate for the <br />seniors. Jerry Passmore said that there is a meeting on the 21St with the Executive Director of the <br />Sportsplex to talk about this and other issues regarding the use of the Sportsplex. <br />Chair Halkiotis would like to consider some special recognition for Carol Woods and their <br />involvement. <br />Chair Halkiotis asked about the janitorial services and the financial impact. Pam Jones said <br />that there would be a contract or a volunteer system. Chair Halkiotis asked for a diagram showing <br />current janitorial services and what is being provided at each facility. <br />Commissioner Brawn expressed a concern about the program at the Whiffed Center. She <br />asked if there is a plan to bring those folks to the new facility. Jerry Passmore said that the Whitted <br />Center is the best place for arts and crafts and the seniors will be encouraged to go there for these <br />activities. The luncheon program will be at the new space once or twice a week. There will also be other <br />activities at the new space. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />approve in substance a lease with Horton Enterprises LLC fora 4,000 square foot suite at the <br />Meadowlands for the establishment of the Central Orange Senior Center per the terms and conditions <br />and included in the attached lease, contingent upon final review by the County Attorney and Staff and <br />authorized the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. outstanding budget and Capital PlanninglFunding Issues Discussion <br />The board considered outstanding budgetary and capital planning and funding issues for the <br />County and both school systems and appropriate work session dates to discuss and finalize the issues. <br />John Link discussed his memorandum, which is incorporated herein for reference. He said <br />that the category 1 issues relate to the November 2001 bond referendum. The other issues can wait <br />until after the decisions are made on the band. Final decisions need to be made on the projects and final <br />amounts far schools, parks and open space, and land acquisition. These decisions need to be made by <br />September 4th. He made reference to #3 on page three -new construction of schools and renovation of <br />older facilities -and said that these issues need to be discussed. He pointed out 9-a, "Determination of <br />best methodologies to project future student membership," and said that this was very important to <br />address. He made reference to #8, which is the potential for sharing school facilities and sharing <br />between the two districts. <br />