Orange County NC Website
3 <br />legality of the action; or if the County were to proceed without agreement of the Towns, one or <br />more Towns might pursue legal action against the County. (Attachment 6) <br />Since this issue was determined to be one of potential conflict between the County and Towns, <br />a full financial estimate of providing sewer services was not pursued. Earlier estimates placed <br />those costs in the $3-4 million range and did not include the Fox Meadow vicinity. <br />ILLEGAL DUMP SITES -Within the general area of the landfill, there are reportedly several <br />individual `illegal' dump sites either used by individual property owners or the general public to <br />`illegally' dispose of refuse (all types) rather than use the Eubanks Road Convenience Center. <br />(This is not an issue isolated to the Rogers/Eubanks Road area within Orange County.) <br />To address this issue County Staff has developed a proposed `one-time' effort to clean up sites <br />within three-fourths of one mile of the landfill boundary at no cost to individual property owners. <br />Details of this proposal and a map of the area are provided (Attachment 7). <br />Signage and enforcement -efforts to prohibit further illegal dumping can be incorporated into an <br />operations plan for the landfill and, along with the clean-up proposed, be addressed via landfill <br />tipping fee revenues. <br />Some landowners and residents of the area have a historic practice of using burn piles to <br />dispose of their individual refuse. There is a pending enforcement case at this time. After any <br />publicly funded clean-up of these sites is complete, strict enforcement procedures would be <br />standard practice. <br />COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL CENTER -This is a request from the Rogers/Eubanks Road <br />community that would not be a proper expense utilizing landfill revenues. <br />This request can be addressed by the County or Towns via other non restricted <br />governmental revenues similar to how local governments now support other non-profit <br />agencies within Orange County. However, for this report no action is proposed. <br />TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAa1NS -Nothing within existing North Carolina law would allow a <br />reduction or abatement of taxes as proposed or requested by the Rogers/Eubanks Road group. <br />There are voluntary programs that could be pursued that might impact the taxation of individual <br />properties. Each of those programs requires specific criteria to be met. Further research of <br />available alternatives can be pursued by individuals with the assistance of the County Tax <br />Administrator. <br />LANDFILL OPERATIONAL ACTIVITY MITIGATION -County staff is pursuing various aspects <br />of those items detailed in the request. <br />Odor control Efforts are being pursued both on a short-term and long-term basis. Odor <br />masking agents are being evaluated for use and the UNC Methane Gas project should act to <br />reduce odor emissions once in operation. <br />A barrier wall concept is not a feasible option. However, fencing gaps are being addressed <br />and additional planting materials will be placed along the landfill fence lines to further increase <br />vegetation shielding. A closure plan and post closure activities should address this issue in <br />more detail. <br />