Agenda - 10-04-2011 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-04-2011
Agenda - 10-04-2011 - 7a
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Last modified
11/28/2011 2:49:17 PM
Creation date
11/28/2011 2:48:58 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 10-04-2011
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2011
S Planning - Habitat for Humanity OC, NC Inc. - Tinnin Woods Project - Special Use Permit
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2010 - 2019\2014
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16 <br />1 small wetland right in the corner of the property. Likewise, on the southeastern portion of the <br />2 property is the beginnings of a stream and a small wetlands as well in that location. The <br />3 typography of the property, the highest point of the property is just off the end of Schoolhouse <br />4 Road where the property then falls toward the stream and the northwestern corner of the <br />5 property. To the east, the property falls toward the previously mentioned to the southeastern <br />6 corner of the property. The property is largely wooded. There are some abandoned structures. <br />7 There-are a couple of abandoned mobile homes in this area and throughout the wooded area <br />8 there are acouple-of abandoned framed dwellings. There are some associated or accumulated <br />9 debris piles. <br />10 <br />I1 Pursuant to County ordinance requirements, we did notify the property's surrounding the subject <br />12 property within 500 feet of the proposal. There are 45 individual property owners they-e-that are <br />13 within the required notification area. <br />14 <br />15 This is our proposed site plan. Mr. Harvey has previously shown that to you and it is in your <br />16 packet. We are proposing 28 lots in conjunction with the rezoning from R-1 to R-8 as <br />17 demonstrated there on the screen. We do propose a connection to existing sanitary sewer <br />18 systems in that area. Orange County operates a sanitary sewer system that basically runs <br />19 along the corner here, across the property to Schoolhouse Road, around Schoolhouse Road, <br />20 and the property to the east here. Our proposal is to build internal gravity sewer mains along <br />21 the proposed streets to connect in to the existing manhole at this location and then again over <br />22 on Tinnin Road to serve all 28 lots. <br />23- <br />24 We are proposing public water, as has been mentioned, as an existing 3" water main operated <br />25 by Orange-Alamance Water System. It provides domestic service in the community, but it will <br />26 not supply domestic fire suppression volume pressures. We are proposing to build a new public <br />27 water main off Tinnin Road to serve the site as well as build public water mains within the site <br />28 and along the proposed streets. The public streets basically feature two access points for the <br />29 development. The first being off Schoolhouse Road with the access point entering into the site <br />30 and then oriented toward the north of the property boundary for future extensions, if necessary. <br />31 We do have an intersecting cul-de-sac street that extends from that street to the west to a cul- <br />32 de-sac where we serve approximately 10-12 lots in that section. There is also a plan to improve <br />33 and extend Tinnin Road at the current end of the intersection of Schoolhouse Road, extend it to <br />34 the north, dedicate a public right-of-way, which currently doesn't exist there and build a new <br />35 street north of the property line there with the water and sewer facility included. That will kind of <br />36 formalize that access to the north to a previously existing 60-foot public access easement. <br />37 <br />38 The public water main extension we are anticipating tapping, the existing water main out on US <br />39 70 and extending the public water main along Tinnin Road back to the intersection of <br />40 Schoolhouse Road. From that point, we will extend it further into the site along the road <br />41 construction. As you have seen in our package, we had anticipated an 8" water main for this <br />42 extension to be sufficient for both domestic and fire protection services and we understand that, <br />43 through this process, that there will be continued discussion with the County as far as the size of <br />44 that water main for future growth as well as connection to the recent built property to the west of <br />45 our site. <br />46 <br />47 This just gives you a general layout of that water line. We don't know exactly which side of <br />48 Tinnin Road it may be on. ,There will have to be a formal survey of that area done to confirm <br />49 where the road lies within the public right-of-way to determine the best location for the water <br />50 main. This is the site plan that we've rendered with some color to help your review of it. A <br />51 couple of things that I'd like to point out from this slide -the first are the open spaces that we <br />
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