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The Board decided to cut $10,000 from child care challenge by delaying it far six months instead <br />of three months. <br />The total savings is now $714,000 with $175,000 fund balance with 49.45°~ for education. <br />The Board agreed with the district tax increase of two cents as recommended. <br />Continued CIP <br />This Resolution of Intent to Adopt the 2001-02 Capital Project Ordinances and Interim Capital <br />Investment Plan is beginning on page six of the buff-colored document. <br />Budget Director Donna Dean said the projects in item one are already receiving funding and are <br />not new projects. The list is just an extension of the project end dates. The level one projects in item <br />fins include additional funding for this year only. The level two projects in item three are the major <br />projects that the Board has elected to approve an a phased basis. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve <br />and authorize the Chair to sign the Preliminary Resolution of Intent to Adopt the 2001-02 Orange County <br />Budget, which is incorporated herein by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordan, seconded by Commissioner Carey to approve and <br />authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution of Intent to Adopt the 2001-02 Capital Project Ordinances and <br />Interim Capital Investment Plan, which is incorporated herein by reference. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />6. Continued Discussion of November 2001 Bond Referendum and Related Capital Funding <br />Matters <br />John Link said that The Board's discussion on the November 2001 bond referendum has been <br />under the assumption that the amount will be $75 million. <br />Environment and Resource Conservation Director David Stancil gave a report on the potential <br />land acquisition projects for the bond referendum. The Capital Needs Task Force left this side of the <br />bond open-ended and recommended that projects be selected. He has tried to use the work of the Open <br />Space Task Force in regards to potential matching revenue sources, etc. Page seven has a summary of <br />projects. He summarized each of the projects. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she feels it is important that the money for the green ways should <br />be viewed as a joint effort between Chapel Hill, Carrbora, and Orange County. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that Chapel Hill was very supportive of this concept. <br />John Link said that the County Commissioners must determine the amount not to exceed for any <br />particular function and for the bond. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if the final decisions on the exact amounts could be delayed until <br />Monday night, June 25t". The Board agreed. <br />Bond Attorney Bob Jessup said that the basic rule for putting items on an individual ballot <br />question is that bonds for related purposes can all be an the same question, but bonds far unrelated <br />purposes cannot be on the same question. Regarding farmland preservation easements and the <br />question of whether it is related to parks and recreation, farmland preservation easements do not provide <br />public access. He said that the question is what group of things are related. In his opinion, buying open <br />space and buying space that is going to have public access is related to active recreation purposes. <br />Discussion ensued about the individual questions on the ballot far the band. <br />Commissioner Jacobs brought up some changes on the band list in the orange document. On <br />page one of six for the County Facilities, it should say "proposed (not approved by Board of County <br />Commissioners)." On page two for Orange County library and the amount of funding, there is $100,000 <br />under "other" and there is private money available. He said that this should be reflected. On page five of <br />six, he suggested moving Central Office Expansion and Hillsborough Elementary Renovations to the <br />"other" column because some people in one school district Hated that things were being put under <br />alternative financing for one district and not for the other. He suggested putting them all under "other" to <br />eliminate confusion. <br />