Orange County NC Website
New Staff Positions <br />Agricultural Resource Development Specialist (Economic Development): <br />The Board was in support of this position. <br />Emergency Management Specialist (EMS): <br />Commissioner Brawn asked if this could be a three-year time limited position and EMS Director <br />Nick Waters said that it could be atime-limited position to accomplish the work. However, the plan really <br />needs to be a living document so the position really should be ongoing. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to see us hold off and see if we can develop the <br />plan another way. <br />The Board agreed to hold this position and consider it later in the agenda. <br />Environmental Health Program Specialist -Food and Lodging (Health Department: <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to start this position at the first of the year, January 1, 2002. <br />The Board was in support of this position starting on January 1, 2002. <br />Environmental Health Program Specialist -Well and Vllastewater (Health Department): <br />The Board was in support of this position. <br />Medical Interpreter (Health Department): <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested that the Manager, the Health Director, the new DSS Director, <br />and the Human Relations Director come up with a master plan for dealing with translation services and <br />see if we can have a coordinated plan. He suggested delaying this position until we have a master plan <br />that the Board of County Commissioners has adopted. This position will be contracted until we come up <br />with a better plan for all the language positions. The funding will begin January 1, 2002 after a plan is <br />developed. <br />Nutritionist (Health Department}: <br />The Board decided to hold this position and consider it later in the agenda. <br />Open Space Design Specialist (ERCD~: <br />Commissioner Jacobs would like to hear back from the Manager about how Parks and <br />Recreation, ERCD, Public Works and how it all fits together. <br />John Link recommended beginning this position October 1, 2001. <br />Commissioner Brown would like to know what this position is going to include specifically. <br />The Board decided to start this position on January 1, 2002, if the plan is decided upon by then. <br />Rehabilitation Specialist -Urgent Repair Program (Housing and Community Development): <br />This position can be funded by the funds set aside for affordable housing. <br />The Board was in support of this position. <br />Senior Personnel Analyst (Personnel Department}: <br />Personnel Director Elaine Holmes explained that this would allow us to meet the expectations of <br />the Personnel Department in terms of advancement, employee development, incentive programs, <br />training, policy work, etc. It would also allow Elaine Holmes the necessary time to work on the <br />organizational assessment and other organization issues that the County Manager has requested. <br />The Board decided to hold this position and consider it later in the agenda. <br />