Orange County NC Website
9 <br />secured when sewerright-of--way is acquired so that an additional acquisition is not <br />necessary in the future. • <br />7. A streetscape plan should also be developed in conjunction with the sidewalks program. <br />Trees are needed for shade along sidewalks and landscaping for aesthetic purposes should <br />also be incorporated into the streetscape. <br />8. The ability to have a commuter train station in the future should be preserved, preferably <br />within the vicinity of the Efland village core near Mt. Willing Road or Efland-Cedar <br />Grove Road Extension. A station could serve the existing Amtrak service or a station <br />could be incorporatedinto the proposed Triangle commuter rail system. <br />9. The county should work cooperatively with Triangle"Transit Authority (TTA) to provide <br />bus-service in the area. <br />10. Mace Road-should be planned to connect through to Lebanon Raad. <br />11. An Interstate pedestrian overpass should be planned in the future to connect areas north <br />of Interstate 44/85 with Gravelly Bill Middle School and West Ten Soccer Park. <br />12. A Buckhom Road Access Management Plan should be explored. <br />Housing <br />Otijecti Prevision of a mi~c of housing choices-that includes decent, affordable housing <br />for "the wo orce." <br />Housing affordabili a significant issue throughout the nation, including within the Triangle <br />region and Orange Coun Housing prices in Orange County are notably higher than within <br />other areas of the Triangle. ~ orically, Cheeks Township -has enjoyed somewhat lower prices <br />than much of the county, but pric f the homes in the newer subdivisions within the planning <br />area are still higher than many people rking in Orange County can afford to pay. Working <br />towards ensuring the provision of housing ortunities affordable to a broad spectrum of <br />citizens should be a priority for Orange Count .The fallowing are recommendations pertaining <br />to housing issues: <br />Residential development that is consistent with the acter, size, scale, and price range <br />of existing surrounding homes should be encouraged. ce home prices are directly tied <br />to the square footage of the home, Orange County should co 'der offering-incentives <br />such as expedited review or density bonuses for developments offer smaller sized <br />homes. <br />2. Orange County should consider adopting a policy requiring that a certain per tags of <br />new homes within a subdivision be affordable and under the control of an organi 'on <br />73 <br />