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<br />-~ Sidewalks do not exist anywhere in the planning area and it was only very recently that Highway <br />70 was widened enough to accommodate-bicycles along the route. Broadening transportation <br />alternatives beyond the passenger car is important. "Alternative" transportation modes such as <br />pedestrian, bicycle, and mass transit are part of an intermodai transportation system. The <br />following are recommendations pertaining to transportation: <br />~. Road volumes and capacities on Brookhollow, Richmond, and Efland-Cedar Grove <br />Roads need to be further studied before significant additional development that will <br />utilize these roads is allowed. Improvements to these roads may be necessary to <br />efficiently accommodate growing traffic volumes. <br />2. The Efland-Cedar GrovelForrest Avertue/Mt. Willing road corridor should be realigned. <br />Avehicular underpass under the railroad should be considered_and the at-grade crossing <br />should be eluninated if an alternative_is-implemented. (See Map 28 for possible <br />alignment). Additionally, an alternative -to a traffic signal should be considered to <br />efficiently manage traffic; specifically, traffic circles should be considered to mare <br />effectively move peak hour traffic thmugh this-area. Route-re-alignment should also <br />endeavor to maintain community connectivity between areas south of the railroad track <br />and the core area of Efland. If an underpass proves not to be feasible, then the county <br />should work with NCDOT for a solution to more effectively route traffic through this <br />area. <br />3. A connection from Highway 70 east to the Interstate connector should be identified and <br />constructed (i.e., eastbound Highway 70 to southbound connector to Interstate which <br />could reduce traffic volumes on Mt. Willing Road and Forrest Avenue). Mitigation <br />measures to address any identified adverse impacts due to constructing the connection <br />would also need to be implemenrted. <br />4. A park-n-ride Lot should be located in the planning area. The exact Location should be <br />determined in conjunction with transportation planning professionals and an advisory <br />committee but a location near the Interstate and walkable to the Efland village core <br />should be considered. (See Map 28 for the general location of the Efland. village core). <br />~. Bicycle lanes- should be provided along all major roadways. Major roadways in the <br />planning area include Brookhollow Road, Efland-Cedar Grove Road, Richmond Road, <br />Frazier Road, Buckhorn Road, Lebanon Road, Forrest Avenue, Mt. Willing Road, West <br />Ten Road, Bowman Road, and Ben Wilson Road. <br />._.~7 6. Sidewalks are necessary for safe pedestrian travel. Sidewalks should be required in new <br />developments and a sidewalk plan to retrofit developed areas so that sidewalks can serve <br />as connectors between residential, commercial, and civic uses should be completed and <br />implemented along with mechanism for handling Iiability and maintenance of the <br />sidewalks. Constructing a sidewalk along Highway 70 from Tinnen Road to-Lloyd Dairy <br />Road should be a priority. Additionally, sidewalk and/or trail privileges should be <br /> <br />72 <br />