Orange County NC Website
Attachment 2 13 <br />POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL <br />CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT <br />SIDEWALKS <br />PEDESTRIAN POLICY GUIDELINES <br />SIDEWALK L{.?CATIONS <br />ROADWAY POLICY-ONE <br />SIDEWALKS <br />28/1 <br />POLICY STATEMENT: <br />"It is the policy of the Department of Transportation to replace existing sidewalks <br />disturbed as a result of a highway improvement. In addition, the Department of <br />Transportation is authorized to construct new sidewalks adjacent to State highway <br />improvement projectsat the-request of the municipality provided the municipality agrees to <br />reimburse the Department of Transportation for the actual -construction cost of the <br />sidewalks. Maintenance of sidewalks will be the responsibility of the municipality."- <br />BACKGROUND: <br />General Update, 3!19/99. <br />Pedestrian Policy Guidelines, dated October 1, 2000. <br />General update, 4/ 16!01 <br />PURPOSE: <br />To provide statewide uniformity in .the construction of sidewallcs on roadway projects. <br />RESPONSIBILITY AND PROCEDURES: <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />These guidelines provide an updated procedure for implementing the Pedestrian Policy <br />adopted by the Board of Transportation in August 1993 and the Board of Transportation <br />Resolution September 8,.2000. The resolution reaffirms the Department's commitment to <br />improving conditions for bicycling and walking, and recognizes non-motorized modes of <br />transportation as critical elements of the local, regional, and national transportation system. <br />The resolution encourages North Carolina cities and towns to make bicycling and pedestrian <br />improvements an integral part of their transportation planning and programming. <br />EFF. DATE 12/1176 <br />REV. DATE 4/16/01 <br />