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Commissioner Carey made reference to the Chapel Hill Department of Housing - <br />Transitional Housing Program and the request for $300,000. Tara Fikes said they originally asked for <br />$300,000 to do three units. The recommendation is that the County provide $100,000 for one unit. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this request seems to be out of sync with the other <br />requests. Tara Fikes said that this project met a critical need, but did ask for 100% funding. <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to a letter from Habitat for Humanity where Susan <br />Levy says that the evaluation may have made a mistake in their applications, specifically in the area <br />of their experience. Susan Levy did not understand the rationale behind why they would only get 5 <br />paints for experience. Tara Fikes said that the committee decided to give Habitat for Humanity 5 <br />paints for having completed prior projects properly and maintaining regulatory compliance. Further, <br />the committee expressed the need for Habitat to increase their capacity to manage development <br />projects involving infrastructure construction by engaging the services of a paid professional <br />construction manager in order to ensure a high quality product. <br />Discussion ensued about the continuing care center of Residential Services, Inc. on Mt. <br />Herman Church Road. <br />Craig Benedict said that the decision on Residential Services, Inc. was postponed by the <br />Board of Adjustment to the next meeting. The board asked the applicant to try and find a direct <br />access to Old NC 10 as a secondary access to the Mt. Herman Church Road access point, which is <br />between two existing single-family lots. If the class B special use permit is not approved, the money <br />will go elsewhere. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />award funding to the recommended bond projects and authorize the Manager to issue a Letter of <br />Commitment detailing the conditions of award. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she would like to look at the Affordable Housing Task Force <br />report before committing any of the $250,000. She would like to fund the Habitat to Humanity <br />projects. She recommended taking each one of the projects recommended for funding, taking a little <br />bit from each one, and giving to each Habitat for Humanity project $55,000 each. She suggested the <br />following reductions: InterFaith Council Freedom Park Apartments - $300,000 instead of $310,000; <br />Residential Services - $275,000 instead of $300,000; Chapel Hill Department of Housing-Transitional <br />Housing Program - $75,000 instead of $100,000 {include Town of Chapel Hill on this); Orange <br />Community Housing Corp. and Community Land Trust of Orange County, NC, Meadowmont - <br />$350,000 instead of $400,000. This would give the two Habitat projects $55,000 each. This would <br />allow the bond to fund 78 units. This is an amendment to the motion. <br />Commissioner Carey made an amendment to the amendment. He would like to totally <br />fund the Orange Community Housing project with $400,000 by taking $50,000 from the trust fund, and <br />decrease funding of the other projects to fund the Habitat for Humanity projects $55,000 specified by <br />Commissioner Brown. <br />VOTE ON THE AMENDMENTS: UNANIMOUS <br />VOTE ON THE MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED: UNANIMOUS <br />10. REPORTS -NONE <br />11. APPOINTMENTS -NONE <br />12. MINUTES -NONE <br />13. CLOSED SESSION -There was no closed session <br />"To discuss the County's position and to instruct the County Manager and County Attorney on <br />the negotiating position regarding the terms of a contract to purchase real property," NCGS ~ 143- <br />318.11(a)(5). <br />14. ADJOURNMENT <br />