Minutes 09-15-2011
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-15-2011
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11/28/2011 11:46:54 AM
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that it would be nice to have a joint vision that has been articulated and perhaps put on a map <br /> that everyone agrees with. He suggested bringing something back by next year's meeting. <br /> Tim Bradley agreed and said that there are a lot of things that both parties could <br /> collaborate on besides just economic development. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that it is good to have a shared vision, but he does not want <br /> to hinder the growth potential of Mebane. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she sees a lot of head nods. <br /> 4. REGIONAL TRANSIT AND TRANSPORTATION PLANNING ITEMS — <br /> A. County staff update on evolving plans related to the Regional Transit Plan <br /> and how it may impact Orange County and Mebane. (Craig Benedict & <br /> Frank Clifton) <br /> Craig Benedict said that this is an update on regional planning efforts. He said that <br /> Orange County is part of the Triangle and the Triad. He said that Wake, Durham, and Orange <br /> Counties were given the opportunity to proceed with a regional transit tax of %2 cent that would <br /> bring light rail to the Triangle from Raleigh to Durham and Orange County and enhanced bus <br /> service. The County Commissioners decided that the timing was not right for this tax at this <br /> election. Part of the plan did include the participation of Mebane staff to figure out how things <br /> could connect from Mebane through Hillsborough and Durham. The suggestion was a regional <br /> express route that would tie into the Piedmont Area Rapid Transit, which comes through <br /> Graham and then down 54 to Chapel Hill. There are continued discussions about bridging <br /> between the Triad and the Triangle. <br /> B. Burlington-Graham MPO and Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO (open) <br /> Chair Pelissier asked about the two MPO's and how this gets communicated to the <br /> Burlington Graham MPO. She does not understand the relationship between the Durham- <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO and the Burlington-Graham MPO. <br /> Craig Benedict said that he thinks there needs to be improvement in this communication <br /> between the two MPO's. He said that his staff attended the meeting in Burlington-Graham <br /> about a month ago and heard a presentation from the Department of Transportation, which is <br /> the overview authority of the boundaries of MPO's. He thinks that this was the beginning of <br /> dialogue with Burlington-Graham. The recommendation that came forward from the <br /> Department of Transportation was to leave the boundaries the way they are at this time, analyze <br /> census data that will be coming out early next year, look at the boundaries and find out what <br /> areas are urban and not, and how best a line can be defined and communication improved. <br /> Ed Hooks said that with Mebane, it is difficult to be in two MPOs. There is a good <br /> relationship with the Burlington-Graham MPO. He said with what they have discussed tonight, <br /> and with the emphasis on economic development, he sees that it may be a good thing for this <br /> part of Orange County to be in the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO. He said that they could <br /> work it out. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it is a good idea to improve the dialogue between the <br /> two MPOs. <br /> Chair Pelissier thanked the staff in Orange County and the City of Mebane for all of their <br /> hard work to help the collaboration between the two entities. <br />
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