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Orange Rural Fire Chief Jeff Cabe said that this plan is not an additional cost to the <br /> citizens or the Board of County Commissioners. He addressed the Chair's concerns about how <br /> calls are run. He said that he has been in the fire service for over 20 years and when EMS went <br /> to a new program several years ago, the fire departments were asked to help, so they started <br /> doing EMS. The fire departments also started doing rescue. He said that it is expensive and <br /> busy. He made reference to the failures and said that the digital system is the one that causes <br /> problems. At no point during his 20 years have any of the fire departments failed. He said that <br /> the department does not even have a place to train people. He said that the goal is to take care <br /> of the people. <br /> Eno Fire Chief Bryan Baker said that they will meet next week to lay out the timeline <br /> for the remainder of the strategic plan. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked him to share this information with the Board of County <br /> Commissioners. <br /> Chapel Hill Fire Chief Dan Jones said that the timeline that was discussed was to have <br /> this plan ready by next budget year, but they have not worked this goal out yet with the School <br /> of Government. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that citizens want to see a response vehicle as quick as <br /> possible, but also that the County do it as economically as possible. He said that the issue of <br /> insurance for homeowners outside of the six-mile area is a huge concern. He is getting a <br /> feeling that the departments are very willing to work together to implement the same sort of <br /> agreement that Caldwell and Eno implemented. He asked staff if there is a timeframe to <br /> implement this with the rest of the departments if they are willing. <br /> Frank Montes de Oca said that it would take about 120-160 days. There are about 150 <br /> homes that are outside the six-mile insurance area. <br /> Michael Talbert said that fire protection districts and insurance districts are one in the <br /> same in Orange County with some exceptions. Everything within the district that is within six <br /> miles of the nearest station is considered to have a rating of 9 or better. Anything over six miles <br /> has a rating of 10. Anything over six road miles has a rating of 10, which the insurance <br /> companies have just started to clamp down on. A typical home of$200,000 in value, built in <br /> 1990 of frame construction that is less than six miles from a fire department has insurance of <br /> $835 per year. If the home is more than six miles away, it goes up 75%. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the County is getting calls from residents who received their tax <br /> bills and the rating has gone up. The easiest way is to address it in the short-term and then <br /> figure out what to do long-term. <br /> Annette Moore said that this issue is also about taxes. If these 1,200 homes were <br /> moved into another district, they may be levied a tax in a district that is not serving them. This is <br /> an issue that is of concern to her. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that there needs to be a more in-depth discussion about this topic. <br /> Commissioner McKee encouraged staff to work toward solving this insurance problem. <br /> Chief Jeff Cabe asked why the Board of County Commissioners had approved <br /> extending the East Orange Fire Insurance district boundary for Caldwell and Eno Fire <br /> Departments but would not do that for the other fire departments. <br /> Frank Clifton said that many properties are involved and everyone must agree before <br /> moving the homes into another district can be done. He said that the County needs to work with <br /> the property owners to find the most efficient way to address this issue. <br /> John Roberts said that there are solutions to these insurance problems, but they will be <br /> incremental. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she heard that the issue would be resolved for 800 of the 1,200 <br /> homes with substations in the Orange Grove district. <br />