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Commissioner Hemminger said that she thinks it is important to extend the library hours <br /> and she is supportive of everything on the list. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the library should be open on Sundays. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs thanked Lucinda Munger for coming up with a viable way to <br /> spend the funding. He asked if there is another item that is better than a Kindle and to <br /> investigate other devices for e-readers. He said that he would like to fund at least $10-20,000 <br /> for the Library Director to investigate wireless options for the rural areas, such as putting in <br /> wireless for the Efland center, or to use Pathways, etc. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz agreed with the alternate ways to provide library services to rural <br /> Orange County. <br /> Other suggested changes: <br /> • Commissioner McKee — HYAA was not being funded but a fund was being provided to <br /> provide scholarships. He suggested adding $5,000 to HYAA for adding a girls' softball <br /> league, which is saving Orange County money. <br /> • Commissioner Jacobs — DEAPR — 35-hour position that was proposed for the seasonal <br /> position with benefits. Clarence Grier said that it was a seasonal position and it is not <br /> 35 hours. It is 28 hours over the season. <br /> • Commissioner Jacobs — suggested amount for Small Business Loan fund as $100,000 <br /> • Commissioner Yuhasz said that in 2002, N.0 created the drug treatment court, but now <br /> the legislature does not want to fund drug treatment court. He would like to see this <br /> program funded through Orange County for at least the next year. He has some <br /> preliminary figures, and the cost for a year would be about $67,000. He would like to <br /> put in $67,000 with the instruction to the Manager to try to work out an appropriate <br /> contract basis for this drug treatment court to continue. There are grant funds available <br /> of $150,000. <br /> • Chair Pelissier said that child care subsidies have been cut a lot these past few years, <br /> she suggested adding an additional $100,000 for child care subsidies, which would be <br /> a total of $150,000. <br /> • Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to address one of the programs of Smart <br /> Start that the State is going to cut. He would like to address the dental program. This <br /> would be $32,945. <br /> Commissioner Foushee said that three years ago there was no waiting list for childcare <br /> and now the waiting list is at 500. <br /> The total for the changes to the recommended budget is now $569,141. <br /> Motions: <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to fund the EDC Small Loan Program in the amount of $75,000. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Chair Pelissier seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to approve <br /> the purchase of four AED's (first of a three-year program) in the amount of $16,000. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />