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Commissioner Yuhasz agreed that this has been confusing and in school collaboration <br /> meetings they have discussed alternative ways to define what the schools should expect and <br /> they will continue to have those discussions. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the Board was going to respond to the OCS letter and <br /> Chair Pelissier said that it is on the agenda for the 21St. Commissioner Jacobs flagged that <br /> one of the issues that is raised in the letter and has been raised by him before is the issue of <br /> capital equity. It is separate from per-pupil and it is not really expressed. It is not an equitable <br /> distribution of resources. He thinks that this is an issue that has been raised before and it is <br /> an equity issue. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said to go with the per-pupil allocation because it is <br /> understandable and is an even split. She asked for the amount that the '/4-cent sales tax <br /> would generate. <br /> Michael Talbert said that the '/4-cent sales tax is estimated to raise $2.5 million, which <br /> would be about $1,250,000 for both school systems. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she would like to see the per-pupil allocation next <br /> week. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve the funding for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and Orange County Schools. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Tax Rate Decisions <br /> i. Ad Valorem Tax- 85.8 cents per hundred dollar valuation <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemming, seconded by Commissioner Foushee <br /> to keep the ad valorem tax at the same rate. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> ii. Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Special District Tax <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> keep the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Special District Tax at 18.84 cents per hundred <br /> dollar valuation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> iii. Fire District Tax Rates <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> approve the Fire District rates as requested. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she would prefer to vote on these one by one. <br /> One of the departments requesting an increase has one of the highest taxes in the County. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he wants to stay with his original motion. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he seconded this because all of the districts need it, <br /> but he too is concerned about New Hope's increase in the tax rate, and they need to find a <br /> more equitable way to fund fire departments. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that the issue on the insurance rating is a very difficult <br /> process and involves purchases of equipment and accessories in order to qualify. He <br /> recognizes the disparity, but he thinks that the departments have different demands. <br />