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Commissioner Yuhasz said that he would support possibly shifting hours to provide for <br /> more Sunday operating hours. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that Sunday for Walnut Grove and Eubanks is already included in <br /> the Manager's Recommendation. The two days for Bradshaw Quarry totals about $20,000. <br /> The adding of Sundays at the three other sites would cost about $73,250. Cutting one day at <br /> Bradshaw would not get close to the amount of opening all of them on Sundays. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she was talking about flipping one of the days at <br /> Bradshaw to Sunday. Gayle Wilson said that this would come out a lot closer. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he is open to moving the other additional day at <br /> Bradshaw Quarry to High Rock for Sunday hours. <br /> Discussion ensued on which SWCCs would be open on Sundays. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that it is more important to have Ferguson open on <br /> Sundays, without increasing the number of hours. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the staff could move the hours around and bring back a <br /> schedule using existing hours that has all of the SWCCs open on Sunday. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he hoped the hours were uniform. Also, if hours will be <br /> taken from Eubanks and Walnut Grove, and Walnut Grove is getting improvements, then <br /> hours should not be taken from Walnut Grove. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz agreed with Commissioner Jacobs and suggested that if they <br /> want to have Sunday hours at each of the centers, then they should shift the hours around at <br /> the individual SWCCs rather than shift hours from one center to another center. <br /> Commissioner Gordon agreed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to approve proposed fee rate increases for solid waste. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner McKee <br /> to ask staff to come back with a plan to open SWCCs on half-day Sundays in a workable <br /> financial model; including that the hours will be shifted only within each center and will be <br /> standardized. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> adopt the Solid Waste CIP as recommended. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Fundinq for Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools and Oranqe County Schools <br /> Clarence Grier said that the total funding for schools is $83.5 million, which is 47.1% of <br /> the General Fund Budget. The target is 48.1%. Adding in the non-mandated services of <br /> school health nurses, social workers, and school resource officers would take the funding to <br /> 48.1%. One additional item is $662,196 for reserving fund balance for the savings of debt <br /> service. This would provide the same amount of funding that was provided last fiscal year. <br /> Because of the shift in students, the same amount of money does increase slightly the per- <br /> pupil allocation. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that the $600,000 issue is very complicated. <br /> Frank Clifton said that he understands the confusion, but this is the only way that <br /> makes sense. <br />