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A motion was made by Commissioner Foushee, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hemminger to reduce the PIO funding by $10,000. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Jacobs) <br /> Chair Pelissier asked if there were any changes to the fee schedule besides solid <br /> waste. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz <br /> to accept all of the fee schedule changes other than Solid Waste. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Solid Waste: <br /> Frank Clifton said that part of the fee schedule this year is a proposal to expand the <br /> hours at the Solid Waste Convenience Centers and this includes a fee schedule. <br /> Chair Pelissier asked Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson to clarify the suggested new <br /> annual fee, which includes the shift away from the general fund as well as funding capital <br /> improvements to the SWCC. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that the fee is recommended as the first step in the shift for a <br /> change from funding SWCCs through the general fund to a partially self-supporting situation. <br /> The fee is going to fund both the expansion in hours and the improvements at the first SWCC <br /> proposed, which is Walnut Grove. If the Board chooses not to implement a fee but only <br /> wishes to expand hours or continue with the SWCC improvements, then funding would have to <br /> come from the general fund. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he would like to have all SWCC's open for a %2 day on <br /> Sundays. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about increasing hours more and deferring the capital <br /> improvements. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this would delay the capital project, but it would affect the closing <br /> of the landfill. He does not want to do all of the SWCCs at the same time when the landfill is <br /> being closed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked how much debt service would be saved and Gayle <br /> Wilson said $99,000 for the first year. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked what could be done with the $99,000 for increased hours. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that it depends on the day and the center. All of the Sunday hours could be <br /> run with this amount. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that this has been discussed before and the SWAB looked <br /> at the issue and came to the conclusion that the improvements need to be made. He is <br /> opposed to the delay of the proposed implementation of the improvements plans. He thinks <br /> that user fees should be imposed. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that only using the fee for the increased hours would <br /> not be sustainable. She agreed with having Sunday hours. She is not interested in increasing <br /> the fee any further. She does not think the hours can be increased past the Sunday hours <br /> without having to increase the fee beyond what it will be now. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that once the County sets certain standards, the public <br /> embraces them. He thinks that having convenience centers that do increase recycling and are <br /> user-friendly are important. He thinks that moving to a 4-R fee will be fine with the public. <br /> Chair Pelissier concurred with Commissioner Hemminger, Commissioner Yuhasz, and <br /> Commissioner Jacobs. She said that this is an area where there is not equitable funding. <br />