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DEAPR shared its findings and the recommendations of the Office of State Archaeology with <br /> the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission. The consensus of that group was that <br /> no survey of the property would be warranted until further ground-disturbing activities are <br /> needed to connect the geothermal wells to other government buildings. <br /> DEAPR shared its findings and the recommendations of the Office of State Archaeology with <br /> the Town of Hillsborough's Historic District Commission (HDC). The HDC reviewed the project <br /> plans and asked questions following a presentation by the project contractor. The HDC was <br /> satisfied that no archaeological survey was necessary and issued the County a Certificate of <br /> Appropriateness for the project. <br /> Had early maps revealed the presence of structures in the area of disturbance, staff would <br /> have recommended conducting a Phase I cultural resources survey and/or having a qualified <br /> archaeologist' on site to monitor the drilling process. DEAPR received a precursory estimate <br /> of $6,000 - $11,000 to monitor the drilling process from Legacy Research Associates—the <br /> archaeological firm that surveyed the Justice Facility expansion project. DEAPR does not, <br /> however, feel that expenditure of funds is justified given what we know about this project. <br /> DEAPR would rather spend funds on a survey of the surrounding properties should the project <br /> result in the need for ground disturbance for tying in other buildings to this geothermal well <br /> project. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked when the County Commissioners would get to tour the <br /> new justice facility. Pam Jones said that she would speak to the judge again. There was <br /> something set up and then it got cancelled. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he thought that during the CIP discussions, the <br /> County Commissioners talked about investing in the Link Center and whether there could be a <br /> phased approach to using a meeting room where it was planned before. He asked what <br /> happened to this. <br /> Pam Jones said that the Board asked them to put the meeting room on hold and it is <br /> on hold for the time being. There was not consensus to move forward with phasing in this <br /> room. <br /> Commissioner Yuhasz said that he also recollected the same as Commissioner <br /> Jacobs about the phased in plan, but it was not possible. He reiterated that this project does <br /> not need to fall too far down the CIP. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the system and why it is so expensive. <br /> Pam Jones explained that this is a large and old building and they have run out of <br /> band-aids to hold the existing system together. It is a 1992 system and has aged out. The <br /> direction from the Board is to look at sustainability first. There is an eight-year payback for the <br /> 10% up front. She said that a geothermal system should be the standard because there it is a <br /> 50-year system. She commended the County Commissioners for taking the long-view. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger said that she wanted to get this explanation on record for <br /> the citizens to hear so that they understand. <br /> Frank Clifton said that about $180,000 of this project is being paid for with a federal <br /> energy grant. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Jacobs to approve awarding the bid and approving a construction contract to Warren Hay <br />