Minutes - 06-18-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 06-18-2001
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Public Works <br />Commissioner Brown asked if public works maintains all of the parks or if it was someone else. <br />Wilbert McAdoo said that Recreation and Parks does the grounds maintenance at the Efland <br />Community Center. <br />John Link said that he went out to the Efland Cheeks multi-purpose field because of a complaint <br />he received. He said that the orange soil is not going to provide the grass surface necessary for a <br />soccer field. He feels the County needs to spend more time up front on the development of fields. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that he was talking with the co-owner of Creekside Turf. They have sold five <br />times mare turf than they thought they would. He will work with John Link this summer about the <br />possibility of getting sod for this field. <br />Chair Halkiotis made reference to a letter from a citizen asking about the Sheriff's presence at <br />the Efland Community Center and the Sheriff has sent out a memo fully supporting a presence of the <br />Sheriffs Department at the facility. He would like for there to be a sign at this facility stating that this <br />is a Sheriff's sub station and the hours. <br />Solid Waste and Landfill Operations <br />Commissioner Brown made reference to the convenience center. She asked if there is a <br />particular reason why this department cannot handle the Eubanks Road convenience center. <br />John Link said that this is an area that can be discussed. They had not considered separating <br />out one of the convenience centers from the others. An area we can look at during the break is the <br />relationship between ERCD and Recreation and Parks. A decision on whom is going to maintain the <br />active recreation fields needs to be made. <br />Rod Visser said that, under the interlocal agreement, each of the jurisdictions remain <br />responsible for collection. The County's general fund would have to reimburse the Landfill fund. <br />POSITIONS <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to the translator and the medical interpreter. He <br />questioned the amount of this position and what we would be saving from what we spend far these <br />services at this time. Health Director Rosemary Summers said that the $6,000 would be new revenue <br />(offsetting) because of the increase in the Hispanic/Latino clients. The $30,000 that was anticipated <br />when the report was first prepared was an the high side. It will actually cost $15,000 for interpreters. <br />We will still need to maintain contracts with languages other than Spanish. She said that they tried to <br />be very conservative in determining the cost savings. <br />Solid Waste <br />The two new positions are involved with recycling C&D. This is on page 72 of the budget <br />document. Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that one of the positions is a construction and <br />demolition Education Specialist that will help set the stage for a comprehensive ordinance regulating <br />construction and demolition. The position would be engaged in education for several months until the <br />ordinance comes into effect and then it would be a combination of education and enforcement. We <br />will focus more on the education component. This position would begin work immediately with the <br />contractors on job-site waste management. The other position is a Recycling Materials Handler that <br />will assume the responsibility for the governmental in-house recycling program from Public Works, the <br />dry cell battery recycling program, and operations of the electronics-recycling program. <br />Commissioner Jacobs questioned the in-house program. Gayle Wilson said that there are three <br />providers. Orange County Public Works does the recycling at the buildings in Hillsborough, and the <br />Solid Waste Department operates programs and also contracts office paper to Orange Recycling <br />Services. Under the proposal in the budget, these providers would be consolidated in the Solid <br />Waste Department and a private company would no longer be used. <br />Economic Development Commission <br />
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