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Commissioner Gordon asked how this would impact the bond. If we are talking about sharing <br />facilities then we need to look at the bond projects to see which are necessary. In the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro City Schools the two Elementary Schools are necessary. There could be some sharing in <br />the middle schools. Regarding the high school numbers, it is clear that another high school in the <br />CHCCS would be needed by 2QQ5-2QQ6. She said that if we are going to talk about sharing facilities, <br />we need to talk about it soon. She feels that if we expect the schools to share we need to let them <br />know that now. That brings up the question of whether or not we should have these schools on the <br />bond referendum if we decide to share facilities. <br />Commissioner Carey said that dialogue should take place. However, it cannot realistically be <br />done in time for this bond referendum. He feels that the incentive needs to be what we include in the <br />band. The two school boards need to take leadership in this process. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that John Link has mentioned in this document some alternative <br />funding for expansion of high school facilities if that should be required between bond referendums. <br />He agrees with Commissioner Carey about creating incentive. He made reference to the School <br />Merger Task Force Report from the mid-198Q's and read from it as follows: "Encourage the school <br />districts to investigate areas where economies may be affected by joint operations such as <br />transportation, food service, and maintenance. Encourage the school districts to pursue areas of <br />educational cooperation such as special services." He said that we should be revisiting what a group <br />of people worked for a year to come up with 15 years ago. <br />John Link said that the original request from the Chapel Hill-Carrbora City Schools was to <br />expand both high schools and he understands that their current alternative is to build another high <br />school. He has suggested that if necessary these expansions can happen between the bonds. <br />Commissioner Brown said that she has heard so many people say that if there is going to be a <br />third high school in Chapel Hill, it should be shared with Orange County. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that nine years ago the people in Raleigh considered having one school <br />system per County. We have heard this year during the Innovation and Efficiency Committee <br />meetings the issue of merger. He agrees with going back and revisiting the report from 1985 and <br />1986. It cannot happen this year. In order to look down the road he feels we need to be prepared. <br />He feels that there should be two people from the County Commissioners, members from the two <br />school systems, and members from the municipalities to meet together and look at the issues of <br />capacity and merger. It is not going to help us in this budget cycle but we can position ourselves <br />down the road. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that, as a result of the Innovation and Efficiency Committee, this Board <br />heard a request and approved a request from the Robert S. Segal group to go in and look at the <br />operation of County government. He thinks we should challenge both school systems to take <br />advantage of the organization and open themselves up for scrutiny. <br />The staff will develop a proposal for the two school systems as proposed by Chair Halkiotis. <br />Commissioner Gordon explained the graphs on school enrollment. These are herein made a <br />part of the record by reference. She also made reference to the Tischler projections as presented to <br />the Schools and Land Use Council. Tischler used a different projection method for the Orange <br />County School (OCS) district versus the Chapel Hill Carrboro School (CHCCS} district. For the OCS <br />a linear method was used while for the CHCCS a linear extrapolation method was used in order to <br />decrease the impact of the recent spike in enrollment in the CHCCS. If the linear method had been <br />used for the CHCCS, more students would be projected than were projected by the linear <br />extrapolation method. She presented this for the Board's information. <br />Equitable Allocation of Funds for County Projects <br />Commissioner Gordon said that when the County Commissioners passed the policy for parks, <br />she thought that it was a mistake. She has written same memos about this. She thinks the <br />retroactive policy in regards to parks is something that the County Commissioners should not do. She <br />supports being equitable to all parts of the County. She feels that a more general statement of the <br />