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The two fire departments that asked for an increase and were not recommended are Eno and <br />New Hope. The reason for not approving these increases was because they have large fund <br />balances. <br />Chair Halkiotis asked for a list of all of the fund balances for all the fire districts. He said that the <br />fire departments should da competitive bidding on equipment. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked for an explanation of the new outside agencies, which were not <br />funded this year. He would like to know the rationale for the decision not to fund. He noted that the <br />increase for the Dispute Settlement Center is the largest. He raised the issue that when the County <br />wanted to use the Dispute Settlement Center, we could not avail ourselves of their services even <br />though we are providing tens of thousands of dollars. They do great work but when we try to avail <br />ourselves of their service, he would like to get some consideration in return for the generosity. John <br />Link said that the only reason an increase is recommended is because of a special program. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the Institute of Government funding. It was answered that <br />there is a capital contribution of $2800 per year and that annual dues are paid. <br />Commissioner Brawn said that she has called the Institute of Government several times and has <br />never received a response. John Link said that he is very distressed to hear this. He said that <br />Michael Smith would want to know this. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the Disability Awareness Council. She said that they are <br />residing at the Skills Development Center, which does not charge any fees for their space. She <br />recommends that the new Social Services Director work with the Disability Awareness Council to <br />determine how what they want to do affects services they want to offer. <br />John Link said that his recommendation is that there be stipends for specific training needs that <br />the Disability Awareness Council may have. <br />Commissioner Carey suggested including stipends but putting it in escrow until the DSS Director <br />can meet with the Disability Awareness Council and further define their needs. <br />6. REVIEW OF 2-1-4 CENT TAX INCREASE SCENARIOS <br />John Link made reference to the memo to the Board dated June 18, 2001, Observations <br />Regarding 2001-02 School Requested Budgets. He said that the overall increase in the <br />recommended school funding is 7.5°~ and not 1.75%. He said that the 1.75% relates to the increase <br />in the per-pupil funding that was recommended. He thinks that it is unrealistic to expect that the total <br />current expense funding can approach what has been in the past at 8-10%. The reason is the high <br />debt service for school projects. He spoke about three options that could be pursued to address, in <br />particular, the Orange County system's needs. Option one is that some amount of the pay-as-you-go <br />funding that has been earmarked for debt service for Cedar Ridge High School could be replaced with <br />some of the additional revenue from increased impact fees. The pay-as-you go funding could <br />potentially be used by the school system for current expense. This requires an agreement of the <br />County Commissioners and the two school boards. Option two is to reduce the Chapel Hill district tax <br />by one penny and increase the countywide tax by one penny. This would create an additional <br />$350,000 for the Orange County system, and a net reduction of $35,000 for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro <br />system. Option three is responding to the request by the Orange County system to mitigate the <br />additional appropriation put into the nursing program. Increasing the contract that would go from the <br />Health Department to the Orange County system for school nurses could do this. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked for information about using impact fee revenue for projects <br />retroactively. She asked if the Board of County Commissioners must fund just as the Schools <br />Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance says. County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill will provide this <br />information to the Commissioners as soon as possible. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that, assuming that the schools have these undesignated fund <br />balances, what could be done so the schools will use these fund balances. John Link said that the <br />County Commissioners could make observations far how the schools could best use their fund <br />balance. He said that an observation could be made that part of Orange County's fund balance could <br />be used toward the start-up costs for Pathways. For the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school system, an <br />