Orange County NC Website
this process of getting this referendum passed. She then showed the PSA for the referendum, <br /> which is on YouTube. <br /> 3. Various Updates <br /> a) Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools Elementary #11 Status/ Schools Adequate <br /> Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO)/Year Around Schools <br /> Frank Clifton said that the Board has had this discussion with the two school boards <br /> about scheduling Elementary School #11 and the plan is to have the issuance of the bonds <br /> sometime in August of next year. <br /> Clarence Grier said that the approximate cost is $21 million and the debt service would <br /> be about $1.4 million over 20 years. <br /> Craig Benedict said that the SAPFO has done well to recognize the growth in the <br /> school systems and give the County time to plan ahead. <br /> Mayor Chilton said that there was a news article earlier this fall that seemed to suggest <br /> that there was going to be a pending residential development moratorium in Orange County <br /> because some of the SAPFO provisions were going to be triggered. He asked if the article <br /> was off base. <br /> Craig Benedict said that the SAPFO ordinance says to wait for the November 15tn <br /> numbers and he thinks they should wait until November 15th to check the ordinance related <br /> numbers. If there is still 176 elementary school students on November 15th, there is still <br /> capacity of over 30-35 seats left for elementary school. This does not equate directly to <br /> housing units. This could relate to around 150-250 housing units that could still continue. <br /> b) Update on Carrboro Tourism Board <br /> Mayor Chilton said that Carrboro is awaiting the groundbreaking of Carrboro's first <br /> hotel, and when this happens, Carrboro will adopt its hotel tax. The Carrboro Board of <br /> Aldermen has not had any detailed discussions on the usage of these funds, but will be <br /> working with the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitor's Bureau to help promote the Town of <br /> Carrboro and to provide some visitor's services such as promoting the music festival, etc. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he hoped that the Town of Carrboro at some time <br /> would invite Laurie Paocelli from the Visitor's Bureau to make a presentation on what she has <br /> been doing and how the County and the Town can work together with the Visitor's Bureau. <br /> c) Future Meetings <br /> Chair Pelissier asked about feedback about this first time joint meeting between just <br /> these two boards. <br /> Dan Coleman said that he thought this was a very good meeting and the two boards <br /> regularly meet on the same nights, so it is a good opportunity. <br /> Lydia Lavelle agreed with Dan Coleman and said that just the two boards provides <br /> more intimacy. <br /> Randee Haven O'Donnell said that she likes this new format and it creates good <br /> dialogue. She asked if there would be another opportunity to meet like this in the spring. It <br /> was answered that it would probably be another year. Randee Haven O'Donnell said that <br /> there might be a need to meet again before that. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger agreed and said that she enjoyed this format. <br />