Orange County NC Website
"A"; and the use of $40,000 in additional Medicare Maximization funds to provide for the <br /> requested construction change orders. <br /> o. Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Amendment Outline <br /> and Schedule for Upcominq Items <br /> This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br /> consideration. <br /> � Smith Level Road Riqht-of-Way Donation to the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation <br /> The Board approved a request submitted by the N.C. Department of Transportation <br /> (NCDOT) related to the potential Right of Way (ROW) dedication by the County to NCDOT <br /> and authorized the Manager and the Clerk to sign the agreement. <br /> VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6. Items Removed From Consent Aqenda <br /> o. Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) <br /> Amendment Outline and Schedule for Upcominq Items <br /> The Board considered approving the process components and schedule for three <br /> government- initiated items anticipated for the November 21, 2011 quarterly public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she sent in a request for more information and some <br /> changes to this and the Planning staff did reply. The changes from her will be shown on this. <br /> Her point was to make sure that the County Commissioners got the specific text amendments <br /> at the same time as the Ordinance Review Committee. She also would like the public to get <br /> the text amendments two weeks ahead of time instead of 10 days. <br /> Planner Perdita Holtz went over the changes from Commissioner Gordon, as shown <br /> below. The changes have been added to the document, which is incorporated by reference. <br /> I. Consent agenda item 5-0 - Comprehensive Plan and UDO Amendments <br /> A. Section 2 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendments (starting on p. 8) <br /> For C.1 Timeframe/Milestones/Deadlines (p. 9), add another bullet under 1.c - BOCC <br /> Updates/Checkpoints, as follows: <br /> October 5, 2011 - BOCC receives the specific amendment language <br /> (Note: This date is suggested since it is the same date as the review by the Planning Board's <br /> Ordinance Review Committee) <br /> For C.2 Public Involvement Program, under 2.d, please describe the Outreach for the general <br /> public. Also, when will all of the specific amendment language be available to the public? <br /> For E, Specific Amendment Language, please indicate when the specific amendment <br /> language will be available. <br /> B. Section 3 - UDO Text Amendments (starting on p. 11) <br /> For A, Amendment Type, when will it be determined that additional sections/articles will be <br /> included? <br />