Orange County NC Website
1. Accept the EPA Special Appropriations Grant Funds for Construction of the <br /> Central Efland and North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements (Attachment 1 in <br /> abstract). <br /> 2. Ratify the resolution noting acceptance of Central Efland-Phase 2 Northern <br /> Buckhorn Sewer Systems State Revolving Loan (Attachment 2 in abstract). <br /> 3. Approve Budget Amendment#1-A. <br /> B. Bid Award and Construction <br /> 1a. Reject the bid submitted by Triangle Grading and Paving of Burlington, N.C.; <br /> 1b. Approve the Resolution of Award awarding the bid to J.F. Wilkerson of <br /> Morrisville, N.C. at a cost of $2, 942, 954.46; <br /> 2. Authorize the Manager to execute change orders up to $250,000; <br /> 3. Authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution of Award on behalf of the Board; <br /> 4. Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract on behalf of the Board, <br /> pending execution of bonds, insurance and County Attorney approval ( bid unit prices <br /> are in the Clerk to the Board's office); and <br /> 5. Authorize staff to proceed with related alternate engineering outfall design. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> d. PerFormance Aqreement with Town of Chapel Hill and Visitors Bureau <br /> The Board considered reviewing and authorizing the Manager to sign the 2011-12 <br /> performance agreement between the Town of Chapel Hill and the Visitor's Bureau and <br /> authorizing the Manager to sign the agreement. <br /> Laurie Paolicelli from the Chapel Hill Visitors Bureau gave a brief overview of this <br /> process. This agreement is in terms of the Occupancy Tax. She went through the background <br /> information. Senate Bill 622, Chapter 392, of the 1991 Session laws makes provisions for both <br /> the Orange County Board of Commissioners and Town of Chapel Hill, by resolution, to levy a <br /> room occupancy tax of up to three percent (3%) on any accommodation in the County. It <br /> directs that at least ten percent (10%) of the annual revenues be used to provide funding for <br /> visitor information services and to support cultural events. Orange County has funded the <br /> Visitors Bureau since 1992. The Visitors Bureau, since FY 1994-95, has received an annual <br /> grant allocation from the Town of Chapel Hill, ranging from $58,625 to its current $150,000. <br /> For fiscal year 2011-2012, the Town of Chapel Hill has allocated $150,000 to the Visitors <br /> Bureau as indicated in the performance agreement attached herein. <br /> She said that when she was hired in 2006, former County Manager John Link made her <br /> first priority to attempt to double the contribution or greatly increase the contribution from <br /> Chapel Hill, which at the time was $69,000. It is now at $150,000. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this is an intergovernmental contract that requires the Board's <br /> approval. He said that the County should continue a dialogue with the Town of Chapel Hill. <br /> Laurie Paolicelli spoke about the importance of continuing a dialogue with Chapel Hill, <br /> Hillsborough, and Carrboro regarding tourism funds and sharing costs. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Foushee to <br /> approve the performance agreement, which is incorporated by reference, between the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and the Visitors Bureau and authorize the Manager to sign the agreement. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />