Orange County NC Website
2. Acceptance of Central Efland — Phase 2 Northern Buckhorn Sewer Systems State <br /> Revolving (SRF) Loan (Attachment 2) <br /> 3. Approval of budget amendment <br /> (#1-A is within abstract) <br /> Budget Amendment#1-A (table) <br /> Bid Award/Construction Aspects <br /> 1.a. Authorize Manager to enter into an agreement regarding withdrawal of the <br /> bid submitted by Triangle Grading & Paving of Burlington, North Carolina; <br /> 1.b. Award the bid to J.F. Wilkerson of Morrisville, North Carolina at a cost of <br /> $2,942,954.46; <br /> 2. Authorize the Manager to execute change orders up to $250,000.00; <br /> 3.Authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution of Award on behalf of the Board, (Attachment 4) <br /> 4.Authorize the Chair to sign the contract on behalf of the board, pending execution of bonds, <br /> insurance and Attorney approval, (Attachment 5) <br /> 5.Proceed with related alternate outfall engineering design. <br /> Frank Clifton said that there are the grant funds for this and the rest is through a loan <br /> through the State revolving loan fund and the interest rate is 2+%. These loans were obligated <br /> in the prior year's budget. <br /> Craig Benedict went over the recommendations. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the improvements and the water going to <br /> Mebane eventually. She asked what would be the type of system to get the water to Mebane <br /> and Craig Benedict said that it would be a forced main because it would have to be pumped <br /> uphill to Gravelly Hill Middle School. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the McGowan Creek lift station and asked, in the <br /> large scheme of things ("the super long term") if that is equally effective to any other <br /> alternative. <br /> Frank Clifton said that they have tried to deal with both the short-term and the long-term <br /> issues. The McGowan Creek lift station has to be repaired right away. The Town of <br /> Hillsborough has repeatedly denied any interest in long-term acquisition of this area for the <br /> utility system. The discussions with the City of Mebane have been very positive. <br /> Commissioner Gordon wants to be sure that the County is planning for the super long- <br /> term. She wants to make sure that this alternative is the best for the super long-term. <br /> Frank Clifton said that his long-term is the super long-term. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br /> to: <br /> A. Funding <br />