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funding actions have been noted this year in previous Board agenda items (June 7th and <br /> June 21St, 2011). The abstract notes each aspect and the recommendations are detailed <br /> on the last page. <br /> A. Funding <br /> 1. Acceptance of EPA Special Appropriations Grant Funds for Construction of the <br /> Central Efland & North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements; <br /> 2. Acceptance of Central Efland — Phase 2 Northern Buckhorn Sewer Systems <br /> State Revolving Loan; and <br /> 3. Approval of Budget Amendment#1-A. <br /> B. Bid Award and Construction <br /> 1.a. Authorize the County Manager to enter into an agreement regarding the <br /> withdrawal of the bid submitted by Triangle Grading & Paving of Burlington, <br /> North Carolina; <br /> 1.b. Resolution of Award awarding the bid to J.F. Wilkerson of Morrisville, North <br /> Carolina at a cost of $2,942,954.46; <br /> 2. Authorize the Manager to execute change orders up to $250,000; <br /> 3. Authorize the Chair to sign the Resolution of Award on behalf of the Board; <br /> 4. Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the contract on behalf of the Board, <br /> pending execution of bonds, insurance and County Attorney approval; and <br /> 5. Authorize related alternate engineering design. <br /> A.1 ACCEPTANCE OF EPA SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS GRANT FUNDS FOR <br /> CONSTRUCTION OF THE CENTRAL EFLAND & NORTH BUCKHORN SEWER <br /> IMPROVEMENTS <br /> PURPOSE: To consider accepting the EPA Special Appropriations (SPAP) grant funds for <br /> construction of the Central Efland and North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements. <br /> BACKGROUND: In both 2003 and 2005, Congressman David Price worked to receive funding <br /> totaling $900,000 and $500,000 respectively in the EPA's SPAP program. Since that time, the <br /> County has worked through the appropriate processes and was given a Notice of Award for <br /> these two grants in December 2010 (Attachment 1) which was conditionally affirmed pending <br /> Capital Investment Plan (CIP) and companion loan acceptance. <br /> The net of the two EPA SPAP grants is $1,348,400. Because the EPA delegates a large <br /> amount of review authority for grant funded projects to the State's Construction Grants & <br /> Loans division of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources <br /> (NCDENR), the State receives a percentage of the grant to cover the administrative costs. <br /> Because County financial policy requires the BOCC to formally accept grant funds prior to <br /> expenditure, staff is requesting that the BOCC approve acceptance of these grant funds for <br /> the purpose of constructing the Central Efland and North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements. The <br /> grant funds will provide approximately 1/3 of the total construction costs and are a vital <br /> financing component for this project. In addition, these funds have already been incorporated <br /> into the County's CIP as part of this project. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Accepting these funds will provide $1,348,400 towards the construction <br /> of the Central Efland and North Buckhorn Sewer Improvements. <br />