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Craig Benedict said that these are guidelines and developers would follow them. The <br /> adoption will not be tonight, but this is just the public hearing. <br /> No public comment. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Map A and said that he knows that there has <br /> been discussion of Mattress Factory Road and he knows that there are some advantages to <br /> Mebane and financial impact. He said that people in that area do not have an idea what a <br /> huge impact the interstate interchange will have on their community. He would like to see <br /> some effort made to help people understand what is being put on the map and give them the <br /> opportunity to get some information. Regarding Map B and Preston Loop subdivision, he <br /> asked if there was a way to connect that to the road that goes to the north. Craig Benedict <br /> said no because there are lots developed around the perimeter of the loop. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs made reference to Map C and said that one of the chief <br /> frustrations of the people living in the Efland area is that they cannot easily get on the <br /> interstate going east. This is why the connector option was on there. <br /> Craig Benedict said that staff is having a lot of interaction with Efland residents lately <br /> and they will continue to work on this. <br /> The Board agreed to make more of an effort to engage the community around Mattress <br /> Factory Road. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs suggested putting a note on each map that the lines for the <br /> proposed roads do not necessarily indicate the parcels upon which they will be built. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> close the public hearing and direct staff to obtain recommendations from the Planning Board <br /> and the Orange Unified Transportation Board to bring back to the BOCC for consideration to <br /> adopt the Access Management Plan by the November 15, 2011 BOCC meeting. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8. Reqular Aqenda <br /> a. Purchase & Sale Aqreement — Southwest Library Site, 210 Hillsborouqh <br /> Road <br /> The Board considered purchasing the parcel located at 210 Hillsborough Road, <br /> Carrboro, and authorizing the Manager to execute all necessary documents to close the <br /> purchase. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the Board directed the staff almost a year ago to find a site for a <br /> future branch library in Carrboro. The due diligence process for the purchase of this land <br /> includes several issues that affect the viability of this site. The County could overcome these <br /> issues, but may not want to deal with them. <br /> John Roberts said that the County employed a title search company and there is a <br /> restrictive covenant on the property, which restricts the property to no more than six subdivided <br /> lots if used for residential purposes. The County would take the property subject to that <br /> restrictive covenant and the covenant would be condemned. There are sewer easement <br /> issues with properties on both sides. There are access easement issues with regard to <br /> property on the west side of the access point. There is also the issue of the dedicated right-of- <br /> way that exists on the southern end of the property. Some of these issues could result in <br /> some substantial extra costs. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Dorothy Taylor-Scenter lives at 208 Hillsborough Road. She asked the Board to please <br /> vote no to the proposed purchase of 210 Hillsborough Road. She said that this site is a <br /> residential area that is not suitable for commercial development, even though the Town of <br />