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VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> e. Zoning Atlas Amendment— Efland Area <br /> The Board received the Planning Board's recommendation, considered closing the <br /> public hearing, and making a decision on a County-initiated rezoning of 112.35 acres of <br /> undeveloped land in the Efland area. <br /> Craig Benedict made this presentation. He pointed out this area on a map. This was <br /> also heard at the May 23 d QPH. The Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend this to <br /> the Board of County Commissioners. There were some comments about the review of a small <br /> piece of property that looked like it was an access ramp. NCDOT does not have a problem <br /> incorporating this into the zoning map amendment. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she had a concern about a text amendment and <br /> zoning amendment at the same public hearing and the same meeting to approve both of <br /> these. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Gordon. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> close the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Yuhasz to <br /> receive the Planning Board's recommendation of approval and adopt the ordinance <br /> (Ordinance 2011-024) contained in Attachment 3, which approves the rezoning and which is <br /> incorporated by reference. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 6, No, 1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked how many acres were moved into categories capable of <br /> being used for Economic Development. <br /> Craig Benedict said that with land use changes, it is approximately 500 acres. He said <br /> that this is the first time since 1994 that the government has rezoned an area for economic <br /> development purposes. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that this is a significant breakthrough. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she hopes the press takes note of this. <br /> 8. Regular Agenda <br /> a. Approve the FY2011-16 Orange County Capital Investment Plan <br /> The Board considered approving the FY2011-16 Orange County Capital Investment <br /> Plan. <br /> Michael Talbert said that this is the approval of the FY 2011-16 Capital Investment <br /> Plan. Attachment 1 lists the recommended projects. The actual approval of the budget has <br /> been put in the resolution that the Board will consider later in the agenda. This is a five-year <br /> plan and the only commitments are in year one. There are two changes from the work session <br /> on June 14th. The 112 North Churton Street project has been deleted for$152,000 and <br /> $75,000 was added back for the loan pool reserves for economic development. This change <br /> subtracts out $77,000 from the plan in year 1. The total five-year plan is now $121,937,077. <br /> Also, there are changes recommended in regard to the project in year 2 for the <br /> Northern Human Services Facility. They will be working on a plan with the community to come <br />