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Commissioner Brawn made reference to the southern park and asked if this would fulfill <br />the need in Carrboro for another district park in the southern end of the County. <br />Commissioner Carey made reference to the School Facilities Task Force Report. He <br />feels we need to integrate this into the CNTF. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to reduce this recommendation from $85 <br />million to $75 million. He feels this needs to be put into the framework of what the County can <br />afford. He also asked to see the phase II plan of the Efland Cheeks Park. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if we could get the school population projections back by <br />June 18th. Donna Dean does have parts of these done. Commissioner Gordon feels the <br />projections are needed before looking at the schools needed by bath systems. <br />Chair Halkiatis said that he has researched state projections and will send this information <br />to the County Commissioners. He made reference to an article in the Chapel Hill News about <br />school enrollment projections, which he will distribute. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the renovation money that is proposed in the <br />bond referendum and asked for a detailed list of what these renovations will include. She made <br />reference to the senior centers and said that the Master Aging Plan recommended 25,000 square <br />feet for one and 15,000 square feet for the other. She asked if the MAP was discussed by the <br />CNTF and why the recommendation was 15,000 square feet for each. <br />John Link said that he recommended to the CNTF that an amount be placed in the bond <br />referendum that we are confident that it will absolutely cast that much for both centers. Ta the <br />extent that other funds are needed, certificates of participation can be used. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked John Link to explain to the public why bonds are the <br />preferable strategy for generating funds. <br />John Link said that the reason we have bands is so that generations to came will bear <br />some of the burden of the facilities that are going to last 50-60 years. <br />Chair Halkiatis said that there would be opponents to the bond referendum. <br />Commissioner Gordon noted that because of the County's band rating, the interest rates <br />would be fairly low and Ken Chavious confirmed this. <br />Commissioner Brown asked for a list of renovations far each school and the money put <br />into each school. <br />c. Review of Bond Timetable <br />Commissioner Carey asked for clarification on the County's debt capacity. Rod Visser <br />said that the statutory capacity was 8°~ of the assessed value. The County has nowhere near this <br />amount of debt. The debt management policy that was adopted a few years ago is that the County <br />will strive to keep the annual debt service payments at no more than 15°~6 of the County general <br />fund expenditures. <br />John Link asked Rod Visser and Ken Chavious to give the Board a copy of the debt <br />impact of the bond referendum and other financing needs. <br />d. CIP revenue Sources (including bond funds, alternative financing mechanisms, <br />school impact fee, pay-as-you-go funds <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the various revenue sources and said that she <br />would like to see an analysis of how much impact fee revenue can be used in order to decrease <br />the bond referendum. This is only possible if the impact fee is increased because the current <br />impact fee revenue is already included in the CIP. <br />e. <br />This item was delayed until the next CIP discussion. <br />2. COUNTY DEPARTMENT FOCUS ~ exceptionl <br />