Minutes - 06-07-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 06-07-2001
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Cindi Chamberlain, parent of a student at Hillsborough Elementary School, is in support <br />of Superintendent Bridges' proposed budget. She asked that when the County Commissioners <br />are in their budget discussions that they make good choices for the children. <br />Martha Stucker, the nurse representative on the Orange County Board of Health, <br />thanked the Board of County Commissioners for their support. She spoke about three critical <br />areas of need in the Health Department. <br />1. Assistance for the citizens with limited English proficiency. There are 4,945 people of <br />Asian descent and 5,273 people of Hispanic-Latino descent in Orange County. The <br />Health Department projects that it will see 500 clients this year with limited English <br />proficiency, most of whom will be Spanish-speaking. The dental clinic has a waiting list <br />because there are only two days per month scheduled for Spanish-speaking people to <br />have appointments. <br />2. Increased costs of providing clinical services to residents who cannot access other <br />health care services in the area. The cost of pharmaceuticals has increased as well as <br />lab services. <br />3. Request of an increase of two part-time positions to full-time status, and that two other <br />positions in the dental health also be increased. <br />Sharon Van Horn, a member of the Orange County Board of Health and a pediatrician, <br />advocated for three Environmental Health Specialists positions. The first position is in the Wells <br />and Waste Waters Program. This position will allow for more one on one time and assistance to <br />citizens that may have difficulty understanding the requirements of the siting and installation of <br />septic and well systems. This program is currently only 61 °~ self-supporting. The Board of <br />Health is recommending fee increases to recover approximately 90°~ of the cost of the program <br />so that the net cost to the County for adding this position will be minimal. The cost will be borne <br />by the people using the services. Fees will be increased if the new positions are approved. <br />However, if the Board of County Commissioners does not fund the extra positions, she will <br />advocate a reduction in fees to the clients because the services they will be receiving will not <br />have improved. The second position being requested is for an Environmental Health Program <br />Specialist for the Food, Lodging, and Institutional Inspection Program. It is estimated that over <br />40°~ of a family's food budget is spent in restaurants and on carry-out foods. She ran out of <br />time and did not finish her presentation. She said that she wished we lived in a world where <br />money did not determine health, housing, ar education. <br />Kate Wilder, a veterinarian representative on the Board of Health, spoke in support of <br />the Animal Control division of the Health Department. She said that the standard of services is <br />high and consistent. One of the major needs is the re-siting and redesign of a new animal <br />shelter for Orange County. The lease of the current shelter expires in 2007. She urged the <br />County Commissioners to carefully consider all of the needs of the Health Department as they <br />make their final determinations. <br />Shelton McCray and Arne Johnson were signed up but were not present to speak. <br />Diane Rocker spoke in favor of the school budget. She is a parent of two children. She <br />said that it was important to fund Pathways Elementary so that they can operate at 100°~. She <br />urged the County Commissioners to carry through on their commitments. <br />Tina Farmer spoke in support of the Orange County schools budget. She volunteers 25 <br />or more hours a week at an elementary school. She feels it is best for the students and <br />teachers to have small class sizes. She is baffled about why the school budget is going to be <br />cut because she will be paying more taxes this year in Orange County. She said that any <br />builder will tell you that you cannot cut corners on the building of a foundation. Education forms <br />the foundation. She asked the County Commissioners to please put on some "long-term vision" <br />glasses and think ahead 25 years and think about who will be running things then in the County. <br />She thinks it is in the best interest of Orange County to have the best possible education for the <br />children. <br />
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