Orange County NC Website
22 <br />ORANGE - COUNTY, AbRTH CAROLINA <br />► Generate maps indicating travel time from the emergency response <br />stations in time increments to the borders of the community. <br />Four computer maps were developed for this overview of fire and rescue <br />operations. Each map includes the location of fire stations in Orange County. Two <br />maps are designed to show distances from each station in two -mile increments; two <br />maps show response times from each station in two - minute increments. <br />Map 1 <br />- Distance Map (without district boundaries) <br />-Map 2 <br />Distance Map (with district boundaries) <br />Map 3 <br />Travel Time Map (without district boundaries) <br />Map 4 <br />Travel Time Map (with district boundaries) <br />The computer maps display 401 square miles and 1,798 road miles in the <br />County. There are 20 fire - stations in Orange County. <br />COUNTY - WIDE MAPPING DATA - DISTANCE MAPS <br />Maps 1 and 2 show the area within two, four, and six miles of each station. <br />The maps also include streets within each of the identified distances. Map 2 shows <br />fire district boundaries. <br />The maps also generate data, which allows an estimation of the street miles <br />and area within two miles of each station. The data associated with Maps 1 and 2 are <br />presented in Exhibit 13. The exhibit is composed of two parts. The top part of the <br />exhibit shows streets and area within two, four, and six miles of each station. The <br />bottom part of the exhibit presents cumulative road miles and area within two, four, <br />and six miles of each station. Street miles covered within time increments is an <br />important measure to consider, since most residents live along roadways. <br />The top part of Exhibit 13 indicates that 2 5.8 percent of the square miles of <br />the County are within two miles of a fire station and 3 9. 5 percent of street miles are <br />within two miles of one of the County's fire stations. The bottom part of the exhibit <br />is cumulative and totals the area covered within the distance increments. For <br />example, 77.3 percent of the area of the County and 82.8 percent of the street miles <br />* MMA CONSULTING QOUP, INC. 18 <br />