Orange County NC Website
good place for a school site. <br />Kim Callemyn made reference to map #2 in the area north of Hillsborough <br />and asked about sewer. She and her husband will be putting in a sewer pipe and she <br />wants to be sure it is the right size. <br />Craig Benedict clarified that someone could offer his or her land as a <br />potential school site to the school board. <br />Jack Lamb said that, strictly from a selfish standpoint, he is against site #23c <br />on map 5 being a proposed school site because it is directly across the street from his <br />house. There are two schoals at the end of New Hape Church Road. He said that the <br />traffic is horrendous here now. He said that the subject of eminent domain has came up <br />several times and it is in the plan and it is something that everybody should be concerned <br />about. He made reference to the statement that this is a 30-year plan and asked Craig <br />Benedict about a statement that he made on the radio that Orange County needed one <br />school per year. Chair Halkiotis clarified that this statement was in regards to Chapel Hill- <br />Carrbaro and that it would need an estimated 12 schools in the same time period that <br />Orange County is projected to need seven schoals. This is a little under a school per year. <br />Jack Lamb said that there is a need for schools and it is not going to stop. He thinks that <br />there is a better way. He said that the County should go and find someone that wants to <br />sell property far a school. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that both school systems have been doing that for over <br />25 years. <br />Clint Burklin said that he supports the planning process and that it is goad to <br />look ahead and identify sites. He asked that the County Commissioners consider adding <br />criteria about thinking through transportation and the impacts and what makes the site <br />mast desirable. Also, he feels it would be good to review the ordinances to design <br />schoals. There is only a 24-foot setback and a 10-foot setback for other items. For <br />something as large as a high school, that is a lot of activity close to the boundary of a <br />home. He said that there should be same additional planning and site requirements. He <br />thinks that this would reduce the concern of the neighbors who live close to any of the <br />proposed school sites. <br />George Johnson owns tract 5a on map #2, which is landlocked. He lives on <br />the tract between 5a and NC 86. He asked why site 5a was chosen as a potential school <br />site. Gene Bell said that it was picked because of the shape, acreage, and proximity to NC <br />86. <br />Marie Bordon lives on US 70A across from the Meadowlands. She feels it <br />will cost a lot to clear all the trees that are down from hurricanes and tornadoes. This land <br />is also hilly and has gullies. She said that there is also a lot of traffic from the <br />Meadowlands that is already an 7~A east. She said that 70A could not handle that much <br />mare traffic. She suggested that the County Commissioners walk this property. It would <br />cast a lot to clean it up and smooth it out to place anything on that property. She was <br />referring to sites 13b, 17c, and 19c on map #4. <br />Gene Bell said that they would look to the Planning Board and the School <br />Board for narrowing these sites down. The staff will do same topographical analysis of <br />these sites. <br />Robert Nichols said that education is important and anywhere you go in this <br />County there will be problems with transportation. He also feels that when these sites are <br />identified that it will have a real impact an everyone else in that area. He is a firm believer <br />in the willing buyer and willing seller process. Also, regarding the eminent domain, he <br />would like to see this taken out of the language. <br />Jim Richmond made reference to map #1, site 4c on Richmond Road and <br />