Orange County NC Website
ao~l- ~~a 3 <br />R~S~ <br />Resolution Providing Final Approval of Terms and Documents <br />Fer County's 2011 Installment Refinancing Transaction <br />WHEREAS - <br />The Board of Commissioners of Orange County, 1~TOrth Carolina,_ has previously <br />determined to refinance certain existing County installment financings,~nost_par-titularly a 2007 <br />installment fmancing with SunTrust Leasing Corporation. This refinancing will take the form of <br />anew installment fmaneing pursuant to the authority of Section 160A-20-of the General Statutes <br />and will include the use of limited obligation bonds, which represent interests-in the installment <br />payments to be made by the County. <br />The County's Finance Officer has made available to this Board the draft documents listed <br />on Exhibit A (the "Documents''), and a-draft of an official statement providing for the disclosure <br />of information to prospective investors m the County's financing obligations. All of these items <br />relate to the County's carrying out the financing plan. <br />BE IT THEREFORE 32ESOLVED -by the- Board of Commissioners of Orange <br />County, North Carolina., as follows: <br />1. Determination To Proceed with Project -The Board confirms its decision to <br />carry out the proposed refinancing. The County will refmance the 2007- SunTrust fmancing, <br />along with any other-financings the Finance Officer may designate. <br />2. Approval- of Documents; Direction To Execute Documents -The Board <br />approves the forms of the Documents submitted to this meeting. The Board authorizes and <br />directs the Board's Chair and the County Manager, or either of them, to execute and deliver <br />those Documents to which the County is a party. The Documents in their respective fmal forms <br />must be in substantially the forms presented, with such changes as the Chair or the County <br />Manager may approve. The execution and delivery of any Document by an authorized County <br />officer will be conclusive- evidence of such officer's approval of any such changes. The <br />Documents in final form, however, must provide for the principal amount of limited obligation <br />bonds to not exceed $42,500,000 and a fmancing term not to extend beyond December 31, 2027. <br />The collateral pledged to the repayment of the County's obligations under the Documents may <br />include any portion, or all, of the collateral pledged to the repayment of obligations that are <br />refmanced. The amount financed under the Documents may include amounts to pay financing <br />expenses and other necessary and incidental costs. <br />3. Approval of Official Statement -The Board approves the draft official statement <br />submitted to this meeting as the form of the preliminary official statement pursuant to which the <br />contemplated limited obligation bonds will be offered for sale. <br />The preliminary official statement as distributed to prospective investors must be in <br />substantially the form presented, with such changes as the Finance Officer may approve. The <br />