Orange County NC Website
9 <br />SECTION 2. REFERRAL INFORMATION <br />8. Please indicate who Client was referred by: SunTrUS~ Bank <br />sales officer: Delores Morgan Ph: 919.381...3297 <br />Email address: <br />SECTION 3.OWNER AND/OR OFFICER INFORMATION <br />9. Please provide the full legal name and title of each 10% owner and officer of Client. <br />For purposes of this Application, an 'officer" of Client means is president any vice president of a principal business unit <br />division or function (such as sales, administration or finance) of Client or any other employee who performs a policy <br />making function. <br />Name: <br />Name: <br />Name: <br />Name:. <br />Name: <br />Name: <br />Name: <br />Title: <br />Title: <br />Title: <br />Title: <br />Title: <br />Title: <br />Title: <br />Add an additional page to this Application as necessary. Note that the addition of any officer or 1Q% owner will require <br />Applicant to update the information provided above. <br />SECTION 4. EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION AND PAYROLL PROCESS <br />10. Attach an organizational chart or list showing all subsidiaries and affiliates of your company at which <br />NetSpend Paycards will be made available to employees. The chart should include the location and legal <br />©2010 NetSpend Corporation CONFIDENTIAL <br />