Orange County NC Website
10 <br />name of each subsidiary and affiliate, and if a list, must contain a detailed description of how each subsidiary <br />and affiliate is related to the Client. <br />11. Tell us how many individuals are employed by Client as-of the date of this Appli-cation: <br />12. Provide confirmation that Client uses the Federal I-9 process, or an equivalent process to verify employee <br />identification. Please indicate-below whether and which authenticated documents are viewed and/or copied <br />for-your records. It is not necessary to provide copies of the documents to NetSpend unless requested by <br />NetSpend for compliance/regulatory purposes. <br />^ Client uses Federal I-9 process for employee identification <br />^ If other method(s), please explain: <br />The following documents are ^ viewed and/or ^ copied by Client in the regular tours-e of business to <br />verify employee identification: <br />^ Driver's License with photo <br />^ Birth Certificate <br />^ Passport <br />^ Social Security Card <br />^ State Identification Card with photo <br />^ Other Photo ID, please explain: <br />^ Document printed with employee's name and address (e. g., lease agreement, phone bill, etc.) <br />Client Pay Cycle(s) (check all that are applicable): <br />^~ Weekly ^ Monthly ^ Bi-Monthly ^ Bi-Weekly <br />^ Other: <br />^ Average Pay Amount $ <br />©2070 NetSpend Corporation CONFIDENTIAL <br />