Orange County NC Website
Recommended new staff - 10.5 general fund positions and 2 Solid Waste positions. <br />Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District tax rate is set at 20.2 cents, an increase of 2 cents <br />over the equivalent post-revaluation rate. <br />John Link said that Orange County remains strong in its financial condition. Orange County <br />ranks 5th in the state for revenue collections. Orange County has also retained a healthy fund <br />balance. <br />Regarding the other funding sources, the one-cent sales tax growth remains strong at 6.5 to 7 <br />percent. The half-cent sales taxes have grown 4 to 5 percent. The North Carolina County <br />Commissioners Association is recommending that all counties budget far full reimbursement from the <br />State for inventory and intangible taxes. Investment earnings are the equivalent of 2 cents an the <br />property tax rate. <br />The total recommendation for funding for education is $57.9 million, which is a $4 million <br />increase. This includes addressing an increase of 724 new students, including projected charter <br />school students. It also addresses increases in school debt resulting from recent sales of certificates <br />of participation for Cedar Ridge High School and 1997 voter approved school bonds. He explained a <br />chart, which showed the disparity of growth between the two school systems. The Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro school system has grown significantly more in terms of students than the Orange County <br />school system. The recommendation far education funding includes 49.2°~ of the general fund <br />compared to the target of 48.1 %. One-half cent has been shifted to current expense from the normal <br />3-cent earmarking for recurring capital. Both systems will receive about the same amount of recurring <br />capital. This shift allowed for the $42 per pupil increase compared to a $15 per pupil increase, all <br />other elements being equal in the budget. He explained the per pupil allocations of each district. The <br />total amount funded of what was requested by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro system was 93% and for the <br />Orange County system was 88.6°Io. There is a need for the Orange County system to examine the <br />possibility of a district tax, at least in the short term. <br />The recommended budget includes phase one of the school health nurse initiative. This <br />equates to $154,000. Based on the phased-in approach, two nurses would go to the Chapel Hill- <br />Carrboro system and one nurse to the Orange County system. <br />The Human Services issues are as follows: <br />• Increases in Medicaid cost <br />• Urgent Hame Repair program -County will assume this responsibility <br />• Mental Health funding -increased by $95,000 <br />• Child care subsidies reserve to address waiting lists -additional $50,000 recommended. <br />This is for the Board to consider as a challenge to other jurisdictions and to the University. <br />Regarding employee compensation, the Board confirmed the directions but the actual <br />percentages will be addressed as part of the budget deliberations. The recommendations include a <br />2.5°~ cost of living increase effective July 1, 2001; continuation of in-range salary progression of 2.5% <br />for proficient or higher; increase in 401 (k} plan contribution from $15 to $20 per pay period; and <br />funding far Classification and Pay Plan study. <br />Recently the Board discussed the recommendations for new staff resources. These resources <br />address the following issues: <br />• Health and safety of diverse and low-income citizens <br />• Improved response in managing major emergency incidents <br />• Timely and mare thorough inspections of residents' home construction projects <br />• Environmental compliance inspection for public health <br />• Comprehensive planning for Orange County's future <br />• Diversity and retention challenge of County employees <br />