Orange County NC Website
h. Sole Source Purchase of two Reconditioned Lifepak 12 Monitor Defibrillators for <br />EMS The Board approved the purchase of two reconditioned monitor defibrillators at a cost of <br />$28,000. <br />i. Bid Award: 40 kW Diesel Standby Generator for Solid Waste <br />The Board awarded a bid to Gregory Poole Equipment Company of Raleigh in the amount <br />of $27,330 far a 40 kW diesel generator. <br />i Master Aging Plan: Budget Approval of Priority Components and Expenditures <br />This item was removed and considered at the end of the Consent Agenda. <br />k. Petition for Addition of Subdivision Roads to the State Maintenance Program <br />The Board approved petitions to add to roads to the state-maintained secondary road <br />system . <br />I. General Plan for Legislation Support Process for North Carolina General Assembly <br />Sessions <br />This item was removed and considered at the end of the Consent Agenda. <br />VOTE ON CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />a. Appointments <br />The Board considered appointments to the Adult Care Hame Community Advisory <br />Committee, Arts Commission, National Disability Awareness Council and Hyconeechee Regional <br />Library Board of Directors. <br />Commissioner Brown clarified the term for the National Disability Awareness Council <br />appointment, which indicates that it would be indefinite. She said that the appointment should be <br />changed to comply with the County rule of only two 3-year terms. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the following appointments, with the change as requested by Commissioner Brown: <br />Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee -Laura DeLoye far an initial one- <br />yeartraining term to expire on June 30, 2002. <br />Arts Commission - Adera Causey for an unexpired term ending March 31, 2002 and <br />Debbie Freedman for a term ending March 31, 2004. <br />National Disability Awareness Council -Tim Miles for a term ending June 30, 2004. <br />Hyconeechee Regional Library Board of Directors -Evelyn Daniel for an unexpired <br />term ending March 31, 2002. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />e. Department of Public Instruction Forms -School Capital Needs Surve <br />The Board reviewed submissions to the State Department of Public Instruction by the two <br />school systems regarding their capital facility needs through fiscal year 2007-08. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the forms and clarified that these are to give the <br />five-year capital needs of each school system. The recommendation is that the Board does not do <br />anything with this except sign it. She asked for an explanation and said that she would like to discuss <br />it in the context of the interim capital plan. <br />Assistant County Manager Rod Visser said that five years ago all school boards were <br />required to submit a list of their capital needs. The school boards are to submit updates every five <br />years of their long-term capital needs. There is nothing in the statutes that require County Boards to <br />approve this. However, the State Department of Public Instruction does like for the County Boards to <br />review the capital needs survey. He said that the needs put forth to the Department of Public <br />Instruction (DPI) were consistent with the needs that the school systems identified in the approved <br />CIP's for the next 10 years. The needs were also consistent with the information that was presented <br />