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Commissioner Jacobs asked about considering .92-acre lots where it is outside the 20-year transition <br />area. He also asked about having a combined development as opposed to one that is strictly <br />serviced with sewer. Scott Radway said that it would not be reasonable to start over with the plan <br />because it has taken so long to meet with the Board of County Commissioners about these policy <br />155Ue5. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill if the Board could vote on <br />the sewer issue and then vote to table the subdivision issue. Geoffrey Gledhill said that the issue of <br />extending the sewer to the project has not been placed in front of the Board. The issue can be put in <br />front of the Board. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the staff recommendation, which is to deny the preliminary plan of McGowan Creek <br />subdivision, in accordance with the Resolution of Denial, which is incorporated herein by reference. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he understands and appreciates the administration's <br />recommendation. However, he thinks that this development plan is very commendable but the <br />location might not be the best. He referred to page 19, the Planning Board minutes, and said that one <br />of the representatives for the developer told the Planning Board that policy issues were not its <br />responsibility. He agrees that the Planning Board is not to make policy decisions, but he encouraged <br />the Planning Board at all times to consider policy issues. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />d. High Rock Farms Phase One Preliminary Plan <br />The Board was to consider a preliminary plan for phase one of the proposed High Rack <br />Farms subdivision. However, this item was postponed to a future meeting. <br />e. Outline of Efland Sewer System Issues Related to Extensions to Undeveloped <br />Properties The Board was to consider a course of action regarding requests for extensions <br />to undeveloped properties served by the Efland area sewer system. However, this item was <br />postponed to a future meeting. <br />f. High Rock Village Subdivision Preliminary Plan <br />The Board was to consider a preliminary plan for the proposed High Rock Village <br />subdivision. However, this item was postponed to a future meeting. <br />10. REPORTS <br />a. Follow-up Report on Student Population Proiections <br />This item was presented after the Consent Agenda before the Decision Agenda. <br />John Link said that at the April 30`" work session, staff was requested to add two additional <br />lines to the graphs that were presented that evening. He said that ten years ago, the school <br />construction standards committee met and with no progress they reverted back to DPI numbers. He <br />asked that once the discussion is finished that the Board submit this information to the Capital Needs <br />Advisory Task Force tomorrow evening. <br />Rod Visser said that at the April 30t" work session, the Commissioners reviewed several <br />different mechanisms for projecting student population projections over the next 10 years. The Board <br />asked the staff to project three-year and five-year projections based on historical average. <br />Commissioner Gordon agreed that this information should go to the Capital Needs <br />Advisory Task Force. <br />Commissioner Carey said that this was a lot of information and very confusing to him. He <br />is not opposed to sending it to the Capital Needs Advisory Task Force. He feels that this Board <br />should make a decision on a planning foundation for projecting enrollment or it will not mean anything <br />to the Capital Needs Advisory Task Force. The Board of County Commissioners will make the <br />ultimate decision on the band issue. <br />