Minutes - 05-14-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 05-14-2001
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Public Works Director Wilbert McAdaa cited the specific needs. The current demands exceed the <br />available resources. Each time a position ar a building is added, there is an additional demand for <br />services. This additional pasition would not provide the desired level of service needed but it would help. <br />In their analysis they are 2-1/2 positions short. <br />Wilbert McAdoo said that they have budgeted the funds far contracting out the services and that <br />would be the revenue for this position. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that funding a fulltime pasition is more cost effective than continuing to <br />contract out the service. <br />Wilbert McAdoo said that this position addresses existing needs and not future needs. <br />Commissioner Brawn asked what kind of qualifications this person would need. Wilbert McAdoo <br />said that he would like for this person to have some landscaping experience and also the ability to do <br />some less technical things. <br />SOLID WASTE <br />1. Recycling Materials Handler <br />Solid Waste Manager Gayle Wilson said that the handler would work on an electronics recycling <br />program and a consolidation of the government recycling plan. Abattery-recycling program would be <br />expanded into a real program. The electronics would not account for a significant reduction in tonnage <br />but there would be a toxicity reduction and less contamination to the environment. This person would <br />devote two days a week to building recycling, two days a week to electronic recycling, and one day a <br />week to battery recycling. <br />In answer to a question from Chair Halkiotis about batteries, Gayle Wilson said that the secret was <br />to make it easy far people to da the right thing. <br />Commissioner Jacobs made reference to outcomes and the statement that this position will reduce <br />the annual expenses for the government building recycling program. There will be a discontinuation of a <br />$16,000 contract. We applied for a grant for $15,000 for office paper recycling. There are some savings <br />but they are not certain at this time how much. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that both school systems need to be approached and that maybe the science <br />clubs could collect the batteries and the maintenance staff could take these to one location. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the recycling position that was approved last year and why this <br />person had not stayed in the position and Gayle Wilson said that the person did not pass the <br />probationary period. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about the recycling of electronics and batteries and if these items <br />would be banned from the landfill and Gayle Wilson said that they were accepting these items at the <br />present time but they could be banned at a later date. <br />Chair Halkiotis said that it would be worthwhile to work up a resolution regarding recycling of <br />computers. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 33 and second bullet on page 34 and asked for <br />additional explanation an these two items. <br />2. RecVclinq Specialist <br />John Link said that this position relates to carrying out the education and enforcement functions for <br />the C&D ordinance. <br />Commissioner Brown asked about coordination with the Planning Department and fees associated <br />with permitting and charging some kind of fee associated with this so citizens would pay for it at the <br />same time they get a planning permit. Gayle Wilson said that is what they were thinking about. <br />2. PRESENTATIONIDISCUSSION OF INTERIM CAPITAL INVESTMENT PLAN liC~ <br />This discussion was postponed to a future meeting. <br />3. ADJOURNMENT <br />
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