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10 <br />Admir~rstratiye Condition. <br />'t. PROCUREMENT FQta_ENGtN~EftiNd AND QT[iEti pROFESSIQIVAL SF.RV(GE5 <br />XP - 86465411- 0 Page 4 " <br />The costs of professianafengrneering and any-0ther professbnal services contracts procured fn oompliarrce with the-mit;imtgrt <br />standards for procurement render grants (see 40 CFR 31.36] are allowable costs for relmtwrsement with grant funds, hio grant <br />fuixis may bs used to reimburse the federal share of any engineering or other professions) services oontract(sj found to be fn• <br />noncampllance with the grant procurement regulations. ZNete: a1i project expenditures are de~ned t~ fndtxie both the Federal and <br />nonfederal shares. <br />The recipient agrees to conduct all procurement for enyneetfng and oti5er professional services In compliance with 40 CFR <br />31.36(b)-(k). T-he recipient:-a~ agrees to st~mitto EPA fOrpre-award and/or post award review procurement documents <br />dncluding, but not limEted to: sefeotion pnx:edures, requests foc.quaitficatlons and/or preposais, evaluation metiiodology and results, <br />memorandum of review or rte9.atiatlott, rest analyses, proposed contract documents, etc. <br />No payments rrlay bs made Under this gran[ urti~ EPA has received and.ret+ieuved the procurement doctnttertts for compliance with <br />the minimtgn standards for. procurement. <br />~. PROGUREMF~7~t?R Ct}IQSTRUCTiON <br />The-cost Of construction contracts procured Irt camp>Fatlce with the minimum standands for procutement tender-grartts (see 40 CFR <br />31.36] are aNowab[e costa for reimbursement with grant funds. Nogrent bards tray be used to relmlwtse the federal share-oEany <br />ccrtstnx~lott contract(s) found to be in nortr~trtpllance wish the ~rartt procurement regulations. (iVote: aA ptx>ject expertdfttxes are <br />deemed th krcluda both the federa(-and nonfederal stiares~ <br />- The na;ipienta~ees tac~rtduct a4 proct~ement f~ construction. fn ootrtplianoe witi~r 40 CFR 3i.36(bj~ and include the "EPA <br />Supptemenfal-t;3eneral Conditlorrs for Federaliy Assisted Constructfori Contracts` (ano~sed) inoiudbug Mlnorityr Business En~ptfise <br />and Women's Rusfness FltterpriseCoais In any bidding~toctmtertts. The recipient also agrees to sUbmttte EPA for pre-av~rd- <br />arx!/or post award review pror~entenf docunrenfs &tdtxfwg, brit net thafted to: hflr[tatlorrs for bids. Independent cast estimates, b1d <br />dootunetrts, d!sadvantagad business enterprise doctsrtetrtation, arse. <br />No payments may be made under this grant units SPA has reviewed the oor~trtrdton procurement docrxrtents for compllanoe_with <br />_the mh-imrmt standards for procurerneht <br />3, I,OBBYItit<: - AiL RECII~t <br />')-Ile reo~lent agrees to comply with T{tIa +t0 GFt3 Part 34, New Res67ctlans orr•Lobbylrrgr. The recipient shall include the language <br />01 this ptovGsian ~ award documents for all subawards exceeding $100,000, and require that subreclpiehts sulxnR certlticaticn and <br />disdostx~e forms aacordtngly. <br />[n accordance with the ByrctArrtt-LobbyEng Amendment, any recipient who makes a proh~fted expenditure under Title 4o CFR G'art <br />3¢ or fails to fJ[e the required oertttkation or lobbying forms shah be sut~ect m a civil penalty of not Jess than $10,060 and noE more <br />than $100,000 for each such expenditure. <br />4. LdBeYtl'tQ AfdD LRTGATION At.i., RECIPti~ <br />Tt1e chief executive officer of this rec~lent agency strdli ensure that no grant funds awarded under this assistance agreement are <br />used to engag® hi lobbying of rite Federal Government or irr litigation against the united States unless au8rorized trnitet existing <br />law The raoipferlt shat! abide by its respective OM8 Circular (A-21, A-87, or A-122), which proh~ils the use of ledetai grantfunds <br />for llttgation against the United Stales or for lobbying or other political activ]ttes. . <br />5. RECYCt_INC~'T~RdA ANIT.WN1N7idtri <br />-1n aa;ardanee vYtth EPA OMer i 000.25 and Executive Order 13101, Qreerting the Govemtnelrt 7i-votxJh Waste t~trent+on, <br />Aecyc!irrg, and Federaf Acquisition, the recipient agrees th use recycled paper for aU reports which are prepared as a part of this <br />agreement and delivered to EPA. This requirement does trot apply to reports pn~ared on fiorms supplied by EPA, or to Standard <br />Faints, which are printed on recycled paper and are auailable through the {3eneral SenricasAdminisbration. Please Hots that <br />Sectioon 901 of EO. 73101, dated September 14, 19913, revoked E.O.12873, Federal Acquisr~ion, Recyc!rng, arrd Vlfaste <br />PreverKion in its entirety. <br />Any State agency or agency of a poiitlcai subdiv(sion of a State whict- is using appropriated Federal funds shalt comply ~th the <br />requirements set forth in Section 8002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA} 142 U.S.C, s9s2j. Regulations <br />issued tinder RCRA Section 13002 apply to any acquisition of an item where the punthase price exceeds $10,000 eY where the <br />quantity of sudr items acquired in the course of the precedktg fiscal year was $10,000 or more. RCRA Section 6002 requires that <br />preference be given in procurement programs to the purchase of specific products coniatning recycled materials fdentTied'at <br />guidelines developed by EPA. These guidelines are •]lsted in 40 CFR 247. <br />