Orange County NC Website
0008 <br /> An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of <br /> Orange County <br /> Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County, North Carolina, that the <br /> Zoning Ordinance is hereby amen-ided_?s.-follows: <br /> Section 1: Petitioner proposed language in bold to amend Article 9 of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance: <br /> ARTICLE 9. SIGNS <br /> 9.1 Intent <br /> Amended <br /> 1/3/84 <br /> It is the general intent of this Article to prohibit signs of commercial nature in <br /> districts in which commerce is barred; to limit signs in the commercial <br /> districts in relation to the intensity of the use of the district and its <br /> surroundings; and to control the number, area and locations of signs in other <br /> districts. <br /> It is the intent of this section to regulate signs on a per lot basis in <br /> conjunction with the zoning designation of the lot as described in the current <br /> tax roll. <br /> 9.2 Traffic Safety Precautions <br /> Notwithstanding any other provisions in this ordinance, the following <br /> practices in relation to signs are prohibited in order to preserve the safety of <br /> pedestrian and vehicular movement: <br /> a) No sign shall be erected so that any part of it intrudes into the sight <br /> preservation triangle. <br /> b) No sign shall use words such as "stop," "slow," "caution", "danger", or <br /> similar admonitions which can be confused with traffic directional <br /> signs erected by governmental agencies. <br /> C) No sign shall be erected so that, by its location, color, nature or <br /> message, it would tend to be confused with or obstruct the view of <br /> traffic signals or signs or would tend to be confused with the warning <br /> lights of an emergency or public safety vehicle. <br /> d) No sign shall contain flashing lights, except those showing time of day <br /> and temperature. <br /> 9.3 Prohibited Locations For Signs <br /> Except where specifically permitted by this ordinance, all signs, including the <br /> supports, frames and embellishments thereto, shall not be located within any <br /> 9-1 <br />