Minutes - 04-25-2001
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 04-25-2001
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other city or town libraries. He said that it was important to look historically at the origination of the <br />library system within the community. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the task force was open to using per capita for library <br />services. <br />Commissioner Gordon expressed her appreciation for the task force providing this <br />information. She asked about prioritizing projects. Brenda Stephens said that the task force talked <br />about prioritizing and they could not do that because they felt that everything was important. <br />Diane McDuffee spoke about the difficulty in prioritizing. She said that she agrees that per <br />capita is a measure but maybe not the best measure. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the recommendation about the Chapel Hill <br />Library. She asked for insight about what to do when Chapel Hill comes to ask for money because <br />a lot of people use the Chapel Hill library that do not necessarily live in Chapel Hill. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that giving some funding gives all citizens the right to use the <br />library. <br />Discussion ensued about the Chapel Hill Library and the request for funding from the <br />County. <br />Diana McDuffee said that the basic request from Chapel Hill was for more money per <br />capita. She said that na one on the task force was willing to give this a higher priority than any of <br />the other proposals. She said that because the Chapel Hill Library takes County funding, they are <br />obligated by law to be open to all citizens of Orange County. <br />Dana Thompson pointed out that making services available was not the same as serving <br />everyone in the County. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he feels that we have been relatively fair to all libraries and <br />he is not inclined to provide funds the way that Chapel Hill wants. He would like to know the <br />standards, the level of service, and what is included. He likes the idea of people not having to <br />drive far to receive services. He said that the per capita does not mean much to him. <br />Commissioner Brown asked why libraries were not connected to the new schools that were <br />built. Brenda Stephens said that this was being considered in building Orange County schools. <br />Cedar Ridge High School could include a public library because there will be a separate entrance. <br />4. Solid Waste Matters <br />a. Disposition of Greene Tract <br />John Link made reference to page four of the agenda abstract, and said that the <br />staff was asking that the Commissioners consider the content of this draft. It will be brought back <br />as a resolution on May 1St. He said that it would be advantageous for the County to take the lead <br />in adopting a resolution first. The content has not been changed from last week. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that she thinks the work group should be composed of <br />elected officials only and not the Planning Board Chair and Vice-Chair. She asked about the <br />timing of when the group will report back. <br />Commissioner Brown agreed with keeping the group to elected officials. <br />John Link said that the County needed to take the lead to move ahead on this. The <br />money will come from the LOG fund. He asked the Commissioners to adapt this resolution with <br />any changes and sand it on to the other jurisdictions. <br />Commissioner Carey said that when he met with the mayors there was a fair <br />amount of consensus. He does not have a problem with not including the Planning Board. He <br />said that whatever is done will go back to the Planning Board. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested including open space and other non-solid waste <br />public services in the Greene Tract instead of having a limitation. <br />
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