Orange County NC Website
~1'~CQc~4~ra~ .1-- <br />BENEFITS REPORT <br />The County benefits package helps attract and retain employees as evidenced by comments <br />from new employees at orientations, exit interviews aa~d surveys. Employees have shown their <br />willingness to engage in healthy, or healthier, activities to keep health insurance benefits at <br />current levels and minimize both their costs and County costs. Higher numbers of employees <br />participated in nutritional challenges and other activities since Open Enrollment of Fall 2010. A <br />healthier workforce results in greater productivity and employee satisfaction as well as lower <br />health insurance costs. <br />Open Enrollment dates are tentatively scheduFed for October 10 -October 21, 2011 with an <br />effective date of January 1, 2012. Prior to these dates, numerous educational communications <br />will be sent to empbyees describing the 20.12 plan designs and encouraging them to attend an <br />enrollment meeting. <br />The following pages describe recent activities and considerations for 2012. <br />To is Pa e <br />Health Insurance A-2 <br />UnitedHealthcare A_7 <br />Wellness Activities 2011 A_g <br />Su lemental Retirement Benefits A-11 <br />Flexible Com ensation-Plan A-15 <br />Dental Insurance A-17 <br />Vision Benefits A-1 g <br />Other Insurance Benefits A-21 <br />Em to ee Assistance Pro ram EAP A-22 <br />Decision PointslActions Needed A-23 <br />3 <br />A-1 <br />