Agenda - 08-30-2011 - 1b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-30-2011
Agenda - 08-30-2011 - 1b
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Last modified
8/26/2011 4:17:50 PM
Creation date
8/26/2011 4:17:46 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 08-30-2011
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Regional Nutrient Management Rules 9 <br />August 2011 <br />• A program to identify existing development retrofit opportunities <br />• A program to ensure stormwater best management practices (BMPs) <br />maintenance <br />The program elements listed above are similar to those that are already being <br />implemented in those areas of Orange County included in the Neuse Basin. stormwater <br />program. The County's Jordan Lake Stage I program was submitted to DWQ in 2009, <br />approved by the EMC and implementation by the County began in August 2010... <br />Annual reports documenting implementation of this program must be submitted to <br />DWQ. The first such report was_submitted to-DWQ in August 2011. <br />B. Falls Lake Stage F Requirements <br />All local governments with land in the Falls Lake Watersh-ed must implement a Stage <br />Load Reduction Program by 2fl14. This program must include plans for reducing <br />nutrient. loading increases from lands that were. developed. after the. baseline of 2006 <br />and before the implementation of the New Development stormwater rules in 2012 as <br />cutlinect below. The required nutrient loading. reductions must be accomplished <br />-by 2020 and are calculated as the difference between the nutrient loading from a parcel <br />"_praor to development" and-the current ("developed") nutrient loading rate. <br />Stage I (and II) Load Reduction Programs must: <br />• "$egin and continuously implement a program to reduce loading from <br />discharging sand filters and malfunctioning septic systems" <br />• "Begin and continuously implement a program to reduce nutrient loading into the <br />waters of the State" <br />To facilitate development of the initial Load Reduction Program, by January 2013 <br />Orange County--must "develop inventories and characterize load reduction potential" <br />from: <br />• wastewater collection systems <br />• discharging sand filter systems <br />• properly functioning. and malfunctioning septic sys#ems <br />+ restoration opportunities in utility corridors <br />• fertilizer managementplansfnr local government owned lands <br />• structural stormwater practices, including the potential for greater nutrien# control <br />• wetland and riparian buffers <br />Nutrient loading from onsite wastewater systems must be factored into the total <br />loading from existing development. The Load Reduction Program is also required to <br />include information regarding how a local government plans to reduce loading from <br />existing development, as well as a timetable detailing the progress that will be made. <br />DWQ will review submitted Load Reduction Programs and forward them to the EMC for <br />approval <br />
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