Agenda - 08-30-2011 - 1b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-30-2011
Agenda - 08-30-2011 - 1b
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Last modified
8/26/2011 4:17:50 PM
Creation date
8/26/2011 4:17:46 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 08-30-2011
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Regional Nutrient Management Rules 12 <br />August 2011 <br />A timetable for complying- with the nutrient reduction goals of 40% Nred-action and 77% <br />P reduction must be proposed by each- local government for approvaC by-DWQ. Annual <br />progress reports must be submitted to DWQ. <br />G. _,1or-dan Lake Stage II Implications <br />The ramifications of failing to meet the Stage I Existing Development rule are difficult to <br />predict at this point in time. Expensive stormwater retrofits of existing -developed lands <br />may be needed to meet the required reduction goals. Given the larger reductions <br />mandated in the Upper- New Hope sub-watershed than in the Haw River sub-watershed, <br />it seems logical that the use of retrofits is more lik-ely to occur in the Upper"New Hope <br />sub-watershed than in the Haw River sub-watershed- The completion of retrofits could <br />be financed by the-establishment~f a stormwater utility fee, similar to what many <br />urbanized areas (including-Chapel Hill-and Durham) have-been collecting for some time <br />for this very purpose. <br />H: Falls- Lake Stage II Implicattions <br />The implications of failing to meet the Stage 11 Existing Development target in the Falls <br />Lake watershed are similar to those spelled out in the Jordan Lake section above. <br />Given the much fiarger reductions that are required in the Falls Lake watershed; it <br />sums even more likely that expensive retrofits will be needed in the Falls Lake <br />watershed to meet the required nutrient reductions from existing development. <br />IV. view Deveiopmen# stormwater <br />The stormwater requirements fornew development in both Jordan -Lake and Falls Lake <br />are similar in scope. Local governments must revise their stormwater ordinances to <br />meet: the requirements and submit this information to DWQ for approval. <br />In anticipation of the Falls Lake and Jordan Lake requirements, the stormwater <br />regulations from Orange County's Neuse basin rules as well as the water supply <br />watershed- rules were combined into a single section of the recently adopted Unified <br />Development Ordinance (UDO). This was partially done to facilitate updating <br />stormwater requirements for the Falls Lake and Jordan Lake Rules. Orange County will <br />maintain one set of stormwater regulations in the UDO but will enforce somewhat <br />different stormwater requirements applicable for each watershed. <br />Orange Count submitted a draft Falls Lake new development program to DWQ prior to <br />the August 10t deadline. The draft Jordan Lake new development program must be <br />submitted to DWQ by September 10, 2011. Once DWQ approves these- drafts, Orange <br />County will then have 6 months to update the ordinance. An estimated schedule was <br />included with the program submittals. The ordinance approval process will include <br />public hearings and BOCC review. Draft program documents were not previously <br />provided to the BOCC since DWQ may revise the earlier submittals. Following DWQ <br />
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